Date Published
Patrick Meenan
Word count
Hacker News points


The Time to First Byte (TTFB) of a website is the time from when a user starts navigating until the first HTML code for the requested page arrives. Slow TTFBs can significantly impact website performance, and fixing them can improve other metrics as well. Many factors can affect TTFB, including server response time, which is often the most significant and challenging issue to resolve. One solution is edge-caching of static HTML content, which can be implemented using plugins like Cloudflare's Business or Enterprise plans. Automating this process requires a method for communication between an origin (such as a WordPress website) and an edge cache (like Cloudflare's Edge nodes), allowing for remote cache management and explicit purging of cached content when changes occur. This can be achieved using HTTP headers to manage the caching process, making it easier for developers to implement this functionality without requiring API integration or manual configuration.