Date Published
David Belson, João Tomé
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Hacker News points


The Super Bowl LVII had a significant impact on internet traffic levels in cities hosting NFL teams and their respective states. In both Arizona, where the game took place, and Pennsylvania, home of the Philadelphia Eagles, there were clear drops in internet traffic at key moments during the match, such as before the start of play, during the halftime show by Rihanna, and after the final whistle. The impact was most pronounced during Rihanna’s performance, with traffic dropping across all states with NFL teams. In Pennsylvania, it fell to 33% below its usual level at that time, while in Arizona, it reached a low point of 29%. Traffic levels quickly returned to normal after the game ended. The data also indicates that Internet traffic dips during major events like the Super Bowl and halftime shows, suggesting that people are less likely to browse online during such times.