Date Published
Jocelyn Woolbright
Word count
Hacker News points


Cloudflare's Project Galileo has provided free security services to vulnerable nonprofits, journalism and independent media voices online for six years. The project aims to empower marginalized voices that may not be heard or bring together oppressed groups of people who might otherwise find themselves isolated and alone. In the past year, there has been a 60% increase in the total number of participants in Project Galileo, with more than 1,000 participants currently receiving Cloudflare's security protections in every region of the world. The project now partners with civil society organizations to identify and provide services to politically and artistically vulnerable entities on the Internet. Some notable recent additions include The Carter Center, which works in election monitoring, democratic institution-building, and supporting human rights defenders; CoronaSafe, a guide and collection of tools built as an open-source public utility for the Kerala State government in India to help people stay safe during the pandemic; Digital Waitingroom, a platform that simulates a doctor’s visit providing information on symptoms associated with COVID-19; Freifunk Munich, which started creating an online conference system specifically for families during COVID-19; and #BeatCovid19Now, a symptom tracker led by researchers at the Centre for Global Health and Equity.