Date Published
Vivek Ganti, Omer Yoachimik
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Recent weeks have witnessed massive ransomware and ransom DDoS attack campaigns that interrupted aspects of critical infrastructure around the world, including one of the largest petroleum pipeline system operators, and one of the world’s biggest meat processing companies. The latest attacks on Internet properties ranging from wineries, professional sports teams, ferry services and hospitals has brought them from just being background noise to front page headlines affecting our day-to-day lives. In fact, recent attacks have propelled ransomware and DDoS to the top of US President Biden’s national security agenda. The DDoS attack trends observed over Cloudflare’s network in 2021 Q2 paint a picture that reflects the overall global cyber threat landscape. Over 11% of surveyed customers who were targeted by a DDoS attack reported receiving a threat or ransom letter threatening in advance, in the first six months of this year. Emergency onboarding of customers under an active DDoS attack increased by 41.8% in 2021 H1 compared to 2020 H2. HTTP DDoS attacks targeting government administration/public sector websites increased by 491%, making it the second most targeted industry after Consumer Services whose DDoS activity increased by 684% QoQ. China remains the country with the most DDoS activity originating from within their borders — 7 out of every 1,000 HTTP requests originating from China were part of an HTTP DDoS attack targeting websites, and more than 3 out of every 100 bytes that were ingested in our data centers in China were part of a network-layer DDoS attack. Emerging threats included amplification DDoS attacks that abused the Quote of the Day (QOTD) protocol which increased by 123% QoQ. Additionally, as the adoption of QUIC protocol continues to increase, so do attacks over QUIC — registering a whopping 109% QoQ surge in 2021 Q2. The number of network-layer DDoS attacks in the range of 10-100 Gbps increased by 21.4% QoQ. One customer that was attacked is Hypixel, an American gaming company. Hypixel remained online with no downtime and no performance penalties to their gamer users, even when under an active DDoS attack campaign larger than 620 Gbps. In terms of bit rate, attacks under 500 Mbps constituted a majority of all DDoS attacks observed in 2021 Q2. Similarly, looking from the lens of packet rate, nearly 94% of attacks were under 50K pps. Even though attacks from 1-10M pps constituted only 1% of all DDoS attacks observed, this number is 27.5% higher than that observed in the previous quarter, suggesting that larger attacks are not diminishing either -- but rather increasing. In other cases, attackers generate small DDoS attacks as proof and warning to the target organization of the attacker’s ability to cause real damage later on. It’s often followed by a ransom email to the target organization, demanding payment to avoid suffering an attack that could more thoroughly cripple network infrastructure. This highlights the need for an always-on, automated DDoS protection approach. DDoS protection services that rely on manual re-routing, analysis and mitigation may prove to be useless against these types of attacks because they are over before the analyst can even identify the attack traffic. Distribution by attack duration shows that over 97% of all DDoS attacks lasted less than an hour. Short burst attacks may attempt to cause damage without being detected by DDoS detection systems. DDoS services that rely on manual analysis and mitigation may prove to be useless against these types of attacks because they are over before the analyst even identifies the attack traffic. In terms of attack vectors, attacks utilizing SYN floods and UDP-based protocols remain the most popular methods by attackers. Emerging threats included amplification DDoS attacks that abuse the Quote of the Day (QOTD) service which increased by 123% QoQ. In 2021 Q2, our data center in Haiti observed the largest percentage of network-layer DDoS attack traffic, followed by Brunei and China. Ransomware and ransom DDoS threats are impacting most industries across the globe — the financial industry, transportation, oil and gas, consumer goods, and even education and healthcare. Entities claiming to be ‘Fancy Lazarus’, ‘Fancy Bear’, ‘Lazarus Group’, and ‘REvil’ are once again launching ransomware and ransom-DDoS attacks against organizations’ websites and network infrastructure unless a ransom is paid before a given deadline. Cloudflare’s recommendation for organizations that receive a threat or ransom note: Do not panic, and we recommend you do not pay the ransom: Paying ransom only encourages and funds bad actors. There’s also no guarantee that you won’t be attacked again anyway. Contact local law enforcement: Be ready to provide a copy of the ransom letter you received and any other logs or packet captures. Activate an effective DDoS protection strategy: Cloud-based DDoS protection can be quickly onboarded in the event of an active threat, and with a team of security experts on your side, risks can be mitigated quickly and effectively. At Cloudflare, our teams have been exceptionally busy this past quarter rapidly onboarding (onto our Magic Transit service) a multitude of new and existing customers that have either received a ransom letter or were under an active DDoS attack. One such customer is Hypixel Inc, the development studio behind the world's largest Minecraft minigame server. With over 24M total unique logins to date and a world record 216,000+ concurrent players on PC, the Hypixel team works hard to add value to the experience of millions of players across the globe. DDoS attacks constitute just one facet of the many cyber threats organizations are facing today. As businesses shift to a Zero Trust approach, network and security buyers will face larger threats related to network access, and a continued surge in the frequency and sophistication of bot-related and ransomware attacks. Cloudflare offers an integrated solution that comprises an all-star cast featuring the following to name a few: DDoS protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Zero Trust security model, and holistic web protection.