Date Published
James Kyle
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In June 2016, Cloudflare's UI team decided to change their JavaScript framework from Backbone & Marionette to React & Redux. They built a new UI framework called cf-ui, which includes over 50 packages with various components and utilities. The decision to open source this framework was made in the spirit of the open web, allowing other developers to learn from their technical decisions while building a large React application. Key points: 1. Cloudflare's UI team changed their JavaScript framework from Backbone & Marionette to React & Redux. 2. They built a new UI framework called cf-ui and open sourced it. 3. The framework includes over 50 packages with various components, utilities, test helpers, etc. 4. Lerna was used for managing multiple packages within the same repository, allowing independent versioning and testing across all packages. 5. Builder Components were introduced to reduce repetition in component usage. 6. Integrated Test Utilities were developed to prevent common mistakes while writing tests. 7. Some external APIs were wrapped to expose minimal API surface areas for confident changes or swapping out underlying modules. 8. Accessibility improvements were made during the rewriting of components, including keyboard navigation enhancements and open-sourcing related libraries.