Date Published
Monika Singh
Word count
Hacker News points


The text discusses the importance of alert observability in managing on-call personnel's health and improving overall system efficiency. It highlights how Cloudflare uses Prometheus, an open-source monitoring tool, to collect metrics from targets and trigger alerts when conditions are met. The article also explains how Alertmanager, a central hub for handling alerts, can mitigate alert noise by inhibiting, grouping, silencing, or routing alerts to the correct receiver integration. The author emphasizes that analyzing alerts is crucial in reducing unnecessary interruptions and improving on-call processes' efficiency. They explain how Alertmanager2es, a reliable tool for monitoring alerting volume and noise levels, has limitations due to the absence of silenced and inhibited alert states. To overcome this issue, they aggregate all states of alerts (firing, silenced, inhibited, and resolved) into a datastore using open-source tools like and ClickHouse. The text also describes various dashboards built on top of the data collected from these alert states, such as Alerts overview, Alertname overview, Alerts overview by receiver, Alerts state timeline, Jiralerts overview, and Silences overview. These dashboards provide insights into all alerts received by the Alertmanager, drill-downs on specific alerts, comparison of alert volume over time, and visibility into failed inhibitions and stale silences. In conclusion, alert observability plays a vital role in preventing burnout among on-call personnel by minimizing interruptions and enhancing their efficiency. It also helps teams make informed decisions about on-call configurations and fosters a proactive monitoring culture.