Date Published
Zaid Zaid, Mike Conlow
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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed new net neutrality rules for internet service providers (ISPs), which would introduce significant protections for consumers and establish the responsibility held by ISPs. Net neutrality is the principle that ISPs should not discriminate against the traffic flowing through them, ensuring equal access to all legal content, applications or services. The FCC has gone back and forth on open internet rules over the past 15 years, with periods of promulgation and repeal, as well as court battles. Despite this fluctuation, surveys show that more than 80% of Americans support net neutrality principles. The proposed rules aim to ensure that ISPs do not block or throttle subscribers' access to content, nor engage in paid prioritization. The FCC is also proposing a "watch, learn, and act as required" case-by-case approach to interconnection challenges between networks.