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While early cartographers were aware that their maps had a purpose, innovations in map perspective and aesthetics contributed to the evolution of location intelligence over five centuries. Leonardo da Vinci's "Town plan of Imola" (1502) is an example of ichnography, a bird's-eye perspective technique used by Google Maps today, but was neither obvious nor easy for cartographers at the time. Petrus Plancius' "The Molucca Islands" (1594) showcases his understanding of mathematics and psychology in selling a new perspective through rich colors and illustrations. Matthew Fontaine Maury's "Whale Chart" (1851) is an early example of crowdsourcing, while William Bunge's "Where Commuters Run Over Black Children on the Pointes-Downtown Track" (1971) uses data from various sources to reveal a tragic and provocative map that transcends its depiction. These historical maps demonstrate how location intelligence has evolved over time, from precise renderings of cities to complex predictions and holistic views.