Date Published
Satyam Parasa
Word count
Hacker News points


In this tutorial, we learn how to implement a feature that highlights a speaker in a call using the Agora Flutter SDK. The prerequisites include basic knowledge of Flutter and an Agora Developer Account. We create a dart file with the name home_page.dart for taking the channel name as input from the user, and another dart file with the name call_page.dart for showing the surface views in grid view and highlighting the speaker in the call. The tutorial covers various methods such as initialize(), enableVideo(), setChannelProfile(), enableAudioVolumeIndication(), _addAgoraEventHandler(), error(), joinChannelSuccess(), leaveChannel(), userJoined(), userOffline(), audioVolumeIndication(), activeSpeaker(), and more. We also learn how to update the UI based on the _userMap data, add user interactive buttons at the bottom of the screen for ending the call, mic mute/unmute, and switching the camera. Finally, we test the app on a device and conclude by successfully using the Agora Flutter SDK to implement the Flutter video calling app with a feature highlighting the speaking person in a call.