Date Published
Thomas Camp
Word count
Hacker News points


This text discusses the use of Spring Boot for creating production-grade applications, focusing on WebSockets and Pub/Sub for realtime experiences. It explains what WebSockets are, how they allow for bi-directional communication between clients and servers, and how they can be more efficient than traditional REST-based communication. The text also introduces the concept of Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub), a paradigm that decouples clients and servers, allowing for inter-client communication and easier handling of multiple servers publishing to clients. The tutorial then guides the reader through creating a simple collaborative TODO list using these concepts. It starts by setting up a basic Spring Boot application, then creates a database using H2 Database and Spring Data JPA. A REST API is created for interacting with the database, and Thymeleaf is used to dynamically generate a webpage for displaying and manipulating the TODO list. The tutorial also covers implementing WebSocket-based Pub/Sub for broadcasting events, using Ably for handling message delivery and ensuring reliable communication between clients. Finally, it guides the reader through Dockerizing the application. The source code for this tutorial can be found on GitHub.