Date Published
Jan. 30, 2024
Nate Eagle
Word count
Hacker News points


In this tutorial, we learned how to add real-time chat functionality to a multiplayer React game using the Ably real-time messaging platform. We covered topics such as setting up an Ably client in a React app, adding real-time notifications, and creating emoji reactions for chat messages. The final result is a robust chat system that can be easily integrated into any existing or new React application. Here are the key takeaways from this tutorial: 1. To get started with Ably, you need to create an account on their website, create an app, and retrieve your API key. 2. To integrate Ably into a React app, you can use the `@ably/react` package, which provides high-level components for common real-time features like presence and messaging. 3. Real-time notifications in Ably are implemented using subscriptions to channels on the server side. In your application code, you would create a new subscription object for each channel you want to listen to. 4. To send real-time messages to other clients connected to the same channel, you can use the `channel.publish()` method in Ably. 5. Emoji reactions can be implemented by creating custom components that listen for click events and then publish reaction events with appropriate message names (e.g., "add-reaction" or "remove-reaction"). 6. To display emoji reactions, you can create a separate component that maps over incoming messages from the chat channel and renders each emoji reaction as a child element of its parent message element. By following this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to add real-time chat functionality to your React applications using Ably.