SurrealDB YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
May 2024 4370 65 213630
June 2024 4510 (+3%) 64 223732
July 2024 4630 (+3%) 69 234247
August 2024 4720 (+2%) 69 240450
September 2024 4740 (+0%) 69 241281

SurrealDB videos published by month

month published title ID
Feb. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #1 with co-founders Tobie & Jaime Morgan Hitchcock qDayG5ZNb1A
Apr. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #2: Latest releases & features TCPwL69nb68
Apr. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #3: All About SurrealQL mF-CpMEB6gg
May. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #4: Record IDs with Tobie & Alex c0cqmWRYP8c
May. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #5: Live Queries with Tobie & Hugh zEaQBiNbkoU
May. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #6: Maintainer Month & Developer Office Hours hFZJOuG-KxY
Jun. 2023 Doing CRUD in SurrealQL p2BXDus7yvc
Jun. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #7: JavaScript Library with Micha & Tobie aShsslTeKl4
Jun. 2023 How to Install SurrealDB CQ_llRpyQSM
Jul. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #8: Full-Text Search Indexing b_HVN87Wwg0
Jul. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #9: All About Python Bv5h4uehxPI
Jul. 2023 You have to learn about the past, to understand the future of SurrealDB 🌟 ltmInTalwXQ
Aug. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #10: Record IDs, Expressions and Graphs VFXXEn40GCA
Aug. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #11: Questions from the Community kAPGH_C2BAE
Aug. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #12: Data Modelling and Performance CEtsOEKwRqQ
Sep. 2023 You're invited to SurrealDB World conference | 13 September 2023 1hXlQFGWKps
Sep. 2023 How to Deploy SurrealDB to z6iTqCV_HDo
Sep. 2023 Unveiling SurrealDB 1.0.0 – SurrealDB World Keynote with Tobie Morgan Hitchcock cScl4AxoBXE
Oct. 2023 SurrealDB - The Path to Intelligence, Part 1 | SurrealDB World conference 2023 yW6g8xjwtSE
Oct. 2023 SurrealDB - The Path to Intelligence, Part 2 | SurrealDB World conference 2023 I0TyPKa-d7M
Oct. 2023 A Crash Course on SurrealDB with Kunal Kushwaha PspYOlksxv0
Oct. 2023 SurrealDB - A superpower for your applications (live demo & Q&A) | SurrealDB World conference 2023 rqIQDgPSBpU
Oct. 2023 SurrealDB - Driven by the Community | SurrealDB World conference 2023 4vhkiGrEOco
Oct. 2023 Take a look at SurrealDB World conference 2023 Jvegw_ynTts
Oct. 2023 How To Power your Innovation With Alternative Funding | SurrealDB World conference 2023 jbE6Co_xXpQ
Oct. 2023 AI Ecosystem and Databases with Shawn Wang (@swyx) | SurrealDB World conference 2023 sKVCsrKIERs
Oct. 2023 Keynote Debrief - with Aravind Putrevu and Tobie Morgan Hitchcock | SurrealDB World conference 2023 i0xfddEPeSk
Oct. 2023 Community spotlight: The experience of contributing to SurrealDB | SurrealDB World conference 2023 StBbDcVzoxI
Oct. 2023 Community project spotlight - Surrealist | SurrealDB World conference 2023 BGZFDA0G1yE
Oct. 2023 Fireside chat with Kelsey Hightower and Tobie Morgan Hitchcock | SurrealDB World conference 2023 17qU5Jm6BDM
Oct. 2023 Unlocking the potential of Health Data Research | SurrealDB World conference 2023 VikV-2ryGVQ
Nov. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #13: How to handle big data properly with SurrealDB ouDZHbdN5L8
Nov. 2023 SurrealDB 1.0 & Beyond with CEO Tobie Morgan Hitchcock (recorded live at SurrealDB Social) b-EQaeYK0Sk
Nov. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #14: how Rust gave SurrealDB an edge in the database world aLGrBHzK8Do
Nov. 2023 Deploy SurrealDB to Kubernetes with GitOps – Ryota Sawada (recorded live at SurrealDB Social) 04opYXTt3sc
Nov. 2023 How I built a SaaS powered by SurrealDB (recorded live at SurrealDB Social) NMcMSqemMo0
Dec. 2023 SurrealDB Stream #15: Vector Embeddings 2MmyE_iohEs
Jan. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #16: 1.1.0 (Live Queries in Rust SDK & Embedding ML) IxaKm-lYJRg
Jan. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #17: How To Improve Your (Database) Relationships ffzxt0iToWs
Feb. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #18: 1.2.0 Improved Binary Protocol & JWKs 5zbzpVdWuZs
Mar. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #19: Embedded Scripting Functions orYh-uat-lQ
Mar. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #20: 1.3.0 - ANN Vector Search & SurrealKV Storage Engine kQQV2kDFHQA
Mar. 2024 How to Simplify Your Tech Stack with SurrealDB kHnn1XTnZCk
Mar. 2024 Document-Style Relationships in SurrealDB TyX45cyZ-W0
Mar. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #21: Contributors’ Guide to SurrealDB NPGAmGJv7j0
Apr. 2024 Graph-Style Relationships in SurrealDB zwQwKvMa9sU
Apr. 2024 Relational-Style Relationships in SurrealDB 98QhvBFjcQ4
Apr. 2024 Unlocking the Future of AI: Secure and Intelligent Retrieval with OpenAI and SurrealDB Vector Search eBE-o2OMF-E
Apr. 2024 A Surreal Launch Teaser Trailer: The Future of Interacting with SurrealDB 0ra5xgSQyRk
Apr. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #22: 1.4.0 Improved Table & Graph Schemas DabPdEhDCMA
Apr. 2024 Security in SurrealDB: Best Practices Discussion Grx4gldgAcU
Apr. 2024 Introducing Surrealist l0_lj-ILVhE
Apr. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #23: Live Q&A and walkthrough with Surrealist creator Julian Mills lhJJ5tV7Ugg
Apr. 2024 Traditional Databases to AI-Infused Systems ON7DqphRajw
May. 2024 Designing Success: A Developer’s Guide with Obinna Ekwuno yp2B3wiEKxQ
May. 2024 How to do a Full-Text Search Query in SurrealDB using SurrealQL AEzx1lt0ojY
May. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #24: 1.5.0 Accelerated Vector Search & Bigger Aggregations b-jIHYsy4L4
May. 2024 Building an App with Graph Relations, Live Queries & Authentication m7TwzxEHC-Q
May. 2024 Different ways to perform a Vector Search in SurrealDB MqddPmgKSCs
May. 2024 SurrealDB Stream: Maintainer Month 2024 Udcm0Ot_Hyw
Jun. 2024 Why We Launched Women in Rust g2pplK7-aK0
Jun. 2024 Schemaless vs schemafull databases H5PfRJQIKeE
Jun. 2024 SurrealDB Stream #25: Why SiteForge switched to SurrealDB FAgDxP5vWvI

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.