29 Hacker News submissions for Ploomber

HN Points HN Title (Links to submission) Submitted Date
252 Who needs MLflow when you have SQLite? 2022-11-16
24 Observability for LLM apps with structlog and DuckDB 2024-06-06
11 Show HN: I grouped HN by topics, so you don‘t have to 2022-03-30
5 Show HN: Ploomber Cloud Notebooks – Share Jupyter notebooks with one click 2023-12-27
4 Why (and how) to put notebooks in production 2023-10-26
4 Rethinking Continuous Integration for Data Science 2024-03-26
4 Why (and how) to put notebooks in production 2021-07-07
3 Show HN: Ploomber Convert – Convert Jupyter notebooks to PDF, no setup required 2022-08-09
3 Three Tools for Executing Jupyter Notebooks 2022-07-25
3 Tetris clone running in the browser with Streamlit and WebAssembly 2024-11-13
3 How good is GPT-4o at generating Flask apps? Surprisingly promising 2024-05-28
3 Show HN: JupySQL – a SQL client for Jupyter (ipython-SQL successor) 2023-12-06
3 On writing clean Jupyter notebooks 2022-07-15
2 GPT-4o-mini VS Claude Sonnet: Generating dockerifle 2024-09-10
2 On the Myths and Problems of Jupyter Notebooks 2022-03-02
2 A systematic overview of prompt engineering 2024-03-21
2 Debugging Streamlit Apps in VSCode 2024-03-20
2 Adding interactive examples to your Python documentation 2024-03-07
2 Lower your OpenAI bill with SQLite 2024-02-12
2 JupySQL: Better SQL in Jupyter 2023-01-05
2 Can I trust my model’s probabilities? A deep dive into probability calibration 2022-11-29
1 Deploying VLLM in Production 2024-03-29
1 Effective SQL for Analytics 2024-03-22
1 Export Your MLFlow Data to SQLite 2022-12-22
1 Which Pandas version did I use? Recover dependency versions from legacy notebook 2022-12-01
1 Which model is better? Improving ML model evaluation with combined plots 2022-11-30
1 Stop using 0.5 as the threshold for your binary classifier 2022-11-28
1 Ploomber 0.14: Modular, Production-Ready Data Pipelines in VSCode and PyCharm 2022-01-12
1 Open-Source Workflow Management Tools: A Survey (Reviewing Airflow + 12 more) 2021-01-12