OpenSauced YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2024 3920 150 152063
July 2024 4050 (+3%) 155 158683
August 2024 4200 (+4%) 164 165063
September 2024 4210 (+0%) 164 165698

OpenSauced videos published by month

month published title ID
May. 2020 How I Made My Twitch Chat Bot - open-sauced/beybot bWxU6acUUok
Sep. 2020 My FIRST open source contribution to the GitHub CLI E9qcZwWw_V8
Oct. 2020 Contribute to Supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. PHmiWXDx9-w
May. 2021 How to Contribute to Open Sauced - Walkthrough - v0.18.10 50wNVnPXlPU
May. 2021 A Walk Through Open Sauced CKbTdYZAvSM
May. 2022 Making Money on Open Source | Feross Aboukhadijeh of Socket | The Secret Sauce Podcast V4KROhksg88
May. 2022 Moving to Vite + React - Issues With Brian OWi9VBpSl50
May. 2022 Landing Page with a Headless CMS - Issues With Brian vBBVRiooBzE
May. 2022 Contribute to Any GitHub Repository - Issues With Brian 4_mGp5VKh-Q
Jun. 2022 Grow Community Through Open Source | Fred K. Schott of Astro| The Secret Sauce Podcast IjujjSU_cOA
Jun. 2022 Getting Hired From Open Source | Matt Schrage of Fig | The Secret Sauce Podcast UUvhwB29NMk
Jul. 2022 Supabase, the Open Source Firebase Alternative | Paul Copplestone | The Secret Sauce Podcast oik5fY6b6GM
Jul. 2022 Getting Noticed On GitHub | Katherine Oelsner | The Secret Sauce Podcast oUjwbdztESA
Jul. 2022 Searching for Open Source Projects - Issues With Brian eu21sH1F7Aw
Jul. 2022 Getting Started with Open Sauced onboarding - Issue With Brian mAIZK_WATTQ
Aug. 2022 Who's Looking At Your GitHub Project? | Avi Press of Scarf | The Secret Sauce Podcast Yt_IgHZD4v4
Aug. 2022 FAANG is ruining open source | Open Sauced 2YU5jPtQKd0
Aug. 2022 Finding Mentors to Mentor You | Open Sauced gJ8WKu3W6iQ
Aug. 2022 Is React Router Still a thing? - Issues with Brian D5usCfQOUqs
Aug. 2022 The Future of Next.js and the Web | Lee Robinson of Vercel | The Secret Sauce Podcast QkpJMPiBats
Aug. 2022 create-react-app | Ian Sutherland | Open Sauced 1ZhuHloHqUk
Aug. 2022 Open Source Influencers | create-t3-app | The Secret Sauce Podcast NLA7S-MVS9A
Sep. 2022 The Burden of an Open Source Maintainer | Jordan Harband | The Secret Sauce Podcast xno59bpro50
Sep. 2022 Commercial Open Source Software | COSS | Open Sauced AReHSwfkqH4
Sep. 2022 Awesome Black Developers | Jay Miller | The Secret Sauce Podcast AbSoECrgriI
Sep. 2022 Unblock Open Source Contributions - Issues With Brian UXF_qwVNNig
Sep. 2022 Doing What Others Don't Want to Do | Michael Chan | The Secret Sauce Podcast _wDt7KoCfvY
Oct. 2022 Readme Driven Development | Chance Strickland | The Secret Sauce Podcast jIIEToBbvU4
Oct. 2022 The Idea Behind OpenSauced h8gwrzis-dY
Oct. 2022 Find The Most Popular Open Source - Issues With Brian JDspA0kMJlE
Oct. 2022 The Bedrock of Web Infrastructure mX-41ylRNzw
Oct. 2022 Zero to Coding in the Browser - The Replit Story | Amjad Masad | The Secret Sauce Podcast BA_0zXfdwz4
Oct. 2022 This Developer Really Likes React cr3ic790w6U
Oct. 2022 This Guy Really Likes The Next.js mVdxvL_XHK0
Oct. 2022 Limit Bus Factor & Contributor Churn iYJvtDuNunQ
Oct. 2022 Get Insights On A Single GitHub Repo f3vmwI1o04A
Nov. 2022 Collaboration Through Open Source -B9EHlIxn1w
Nov. 2022 Trending On GitHub fl4E4RHRpOU
Nov. 2022 Another JavaScript Framework | Ryan Carniato | The Secret Sauce Podcast Om3QAZitHvw
Nov. 2022 Secret OSS Maintainer VFzbfdK_BmQ
Nov. 2022 Switched From Enterprise to Open Source | Ankur Goyal | The Secret Sauce Podcast hoBtFhZRxzw
Nov. 2022 Get Pull Request Insights on Multiple Repos w4qOfEzZzHw
Nov. 2022 Best Resume for Engineers? -KTofw_n0_M
Nov. 2022 The Progression of an Open Source Maintainer buQ7UQyAGsc
Nov. 2022 Level Up With Open Source | Rizel Scarlett | The Secret Sauce _KpYKi83Frk
Dec. 2022 Imposter Syndrome Stopping You? jaaa0nCvRH0
Dec. 2022 Favorite Programming Snack?! LoimQGmhy7Y
Dec. 2022 Is Your Bar Unrealistic? dQvukzV8rwM
Dec. 2022 Insights into Open Source bmYiUEp3734
Dec. 2022 No More Stale Pull Requests lkdqJV9UP90
Dec. 2022 Building Trust through Code p6t0rxSqAJc
Dec. 2022 Enhancing GitHub Contributions for Success SNq02IigTlk
Jan. 2023 The Complexity of Video on the Internet | Steve Heffernan | The Secret Sauce w-iWoTzBJ3M
Jan. 2023 Self Taught Coders Don't Exist | Anjana Vakil | The Secret Sauce V3KZhCWxMCg
Feb. 2023 She Got a Job By Doing Open Source NBo4xhKTUY8
Feb. 2023 Take the Job That Will Get You Mentorship ZOrfBXHoTsk
Feb. 2023 Open Source Highlights! yOwQJ3zGPpI
Feb. 2023 Why Open Source? aaocyBFADw8
Feb. 2023 Good First Repos And Where To Find Them 93s8EH7hMdU
Mar. 2023 Black Innovation LABS | Kimberly Bryant | The Secret Sauce vrBMrUeLiWk
Mar. 2023 Best Tools For Open Source YWn1OWGwD3U
Mar. 2023 Doing Open Source Full Time | Nate Smith | The Secret Sauce 0JEeqTOHRqo
Mar. 2023 How To Find Good First Issues CKEPyEEqy-4
Apr. 2023 Angular Creator Builds Another Framework | Misko Hevery | The Secret Sauce TndrUVOQLFQ
Apr. 2023 Veterans and Rookies u4EocEj62Aw
Apr. 2023 A Newcomer's Perspective uJNN1l11QOE
May. 2023 Showing Up and Doing Your Part nxjluliLCMg
May. 2023 Why HashiCorp Succeeded and Then... | Jana Iris | The Secret Sauce vwkyCbfKqB4
May. 2023 Invite Your Team L5ztLP1O7BY
May. 2023 Tinkerer to Creator! mA9AlYblMRg
May. 2023 It's Pointless if it's Hard to Use v4GxEAGqv4k
May. 2023 Learning Web Development.. through MySpace? SWXCva9m_xI
May. 2023 Open Source: The Honest Labor Market lSJgwx6NbaM
May. 2023 How Not to be a Jerk zHuwcTspi2k
May. 2023 19 Year Old Next.js Maintainer | JJ Kasper | The Secret Sauce bpI50u2qxJU
May. 2023 Look At Your Community First 4i1455A7ioE
May. 2023 AI powered pull requests: OpenAI + Chrome Extension uPczULIDPmw
May. 2023 Thrive In The Unwanted NKzfgHEIOFw
May. 2023 Developer Debugging Secrets | Jason Laster | The Secret Sauce RHFl1dhJbyM
Jun. 2023 ChatGPT and Logic XPGtNxA0jVc
Jun. 2023 Disney Uses Kubernetes bO0yP8KfVfc
Jun. 2023 Opensource intimidating? APhtTJ5WUqQ
Jun. 2023 Where did Kubernetes come from? 0MeGKxjv3P4
Jun. 2023 The Self-Taught Programmer is a Myth? E9M4s7tnilg
Jun. 2023 Advice on starting your open source journey dSK40lefp0k
Jun. 2023 Failure As A Founder Oxrpz2vyBz0
Jul. 2023 Are you an early employee? br3T60fTV2Q
Jul. 2023 Developer Happiness 1ZIdDFqKJgM
Jul. 2023 React Boiler Plate to GraphQL Caching | Max Stoiber | The Secret Sauce zccUlq1As1o
Jul. 2023 Be Open(sauced) Ycaxx0ziMDQ
Jul. 2023 Learning to Earning: #100Devs Is Changing Lives JWPnsUd8lQw
Aug. 2023 List Feature | Product Demo F7ej9V0zs6Y
Aug. 2023 GitHub's Impact on the Open Source Ecosystem Gu_jWAjviLs
Aug. 2023 A Simple Welcome Goes a Long Way 🤝 WUd7w3_twVM
Aug. 2023 Rise of the AI Engineer: Semantic Databases BqKUOKMkdic
Sep. 2023 Why mentorship matters zFpo2M4n4rI
Oct. 2023 The Future of AI? 0I4WdrFW2g4
Oct. 2023 What Happened to JavaScript? NqtgXtLToLA
Oct. 2023 Lists Walkthrough | Product Demo 9vp2UTr6IJY
Nov. 2023 First Docker then Dagger: Solomon Hykes' Revolution through DevOps MSlHvz57RKs
Nov. 2023 GitHub's Big Bet On Copilot Workspaces cf_Drlbyegc
Nov. 2023 You Can't Do All The Good Ideas Yd4LIHVDHiI
Nov. 2023 What Almost Killed Docker 1BKyHI6vC7w
Nov. 2023 Open Source Gold Rush r2LUIApQKJs
Nov. 2023 How she landed her dream job! Se0MrIqKHOk
Nov. 2023 GitHub ML Magic: Secrets with an Expert HHR4BfdeOMM
Dec. 2023 Are Vector DBs Still Useful? -yQa7r4bWFU
Jan. 2024 A Different Path for Engineers? Courts to Code vvlDNImLNlw
Jan. 2024 Programming Communities At4SqvU3fB8
Jan. 2024 AI is not the villain. _JK1b8XosPs
Jan. 2024 Tinkerer to Creator! vKpUCcfVJPQ
Jan. 2024 Never stop creating! vF_OIR0j2Hg
Feb. 2024 Stop Burning Out Maintainers Z39GBdakyaw
Feb. 2024 OpenSauced Shout-outs Live Stream wYuED46LoMk
Feb. 2024 Ditch the Ego for the Win lbmuV_mme7w
Feb. 2024 The Perfect Youtube Thumbnail QiqkCHhZGi0
Feb. 2024 Is Remix the next React? lOB1OoR4O8w
Feb. 2024 Stop Maintainer Burnout! QzSsYx0XtuU
Feb. 2024 Bartender to designer 7pujZnagD1I
Mar. 2024 OpenSauced Shout-outs Live Stream JoXMkcSulyg
Mar. 2024 Imposter Syndrome Stopping You? MPwAaxq3-eQ
Mar. 2024 Find and build your audience b4AAvVXGcCk
Mar. 2024 Workspaces Demo xpxIyR4-rRc
Mar. 2024 Why is Kubernetes everywhere? | Kelsey Hightower MQbkN99eBD8
Mar. 2024 Who maintains your abandoned open source projects? oEYah9YijP0
Mar. 2024 The Power of Real Intelligence 4g9bLDUzTv4
Mar. 2024 When the views stop, do you? c5TEVC37CqA
Mar. 2024 Developers on YouTube | Mewtru r1DDqMJTzfw
Mar. 2024 OpenSauced Shout-outs Live Stream QVHLflYyT40
Apr. 2024 Is DevRel Dead? 3G_vqKvjDJo
May. 2024 Open Source mentorship XsI8KCBuFBo
May. 2024 OpenSauced Shout-outs and Maintainer Month Kick-off aWdkdqeo0bg
May. 2024 Maintainers Course NgczoKlIlfw
May. 2024 What is OpenSauced? JCNjj19iDa4
May. 2024 Lunch & Learn: Becoming a Maintainer 8Q9bdDrL0bg
May. 2024 Power Lunch: Best Practices and Tools for OSS Collaboration tXd0DyhJlEA
May. 2024 StarSearch Unveiled: A Live Demo and Q&A on Our New AI-Powered Tool AgbE7ZiraPw
May. 2024 What Is StarSearch? I3cS-u_gmDE
May. 2024 Repo Pages C7rkaAlcvZE
May. 2024 Laravel Lottery Factor ShWZevReILQ
May. 2024 Who are the experts in Laravel? - StarSearch Introduction FPn6QQT1ZUA
May. 2024 Open Source Kubernetes TXbxd6Plgnk
May. 2024 Livestream: Data Deli: Metrics that Matter in Open Source WQpil-HQtGo
May. 2024 Open Source Journeys: An Hour of Insights and Inspirations vC8h6PmaIS8
May. 2024 Find Tailwind Developers That Know Rust gbkiekEbdE8
May. 2024 Why is Vite Everywhere? | Evan You 4_uYqae42uc
May. 2024 How Vue Makes Decisions - BDFL Bgz80a_2q64
Jun. 2024 A Good Open Source Contributor C4AKkPg63aI
Jun. 2024 Why Does Angular Need A Meta Framework? 1dRCOcvCZFk

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.