Kestra YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2024 819 36 45738
July 2024 890 (+9%) 43 53916
August 2024 999 (+12%) 65 67663
September 2024 1010 (+1%) 67 69066

Kestra videos published by month

month published title ID
May. 2023 Data Orchestration 101 - Schedule & orchestrate your data pipelines with Kestra yuV_rgnpXU8
May. 2023 CI/CD with Kestra & Terraform | Development & Production Environments for Declarative Data Pipelines tiHa3zucS_Q
Jun. 2023 Kestra | Fast Event-Driven Orchestrator to Simplify Data Operations and Automate Your Workflows h-P0eK2xN58
Jun. 2023 CI/CD with Terraform & Kestra | Hands On Demo - Infrastructure and Data Workflows as Code prL6gIoGeTw
Dec. 2023 Kestra Quick Start Guide — 1 Hour Getting Started Tutorial on Building Data Pipelines with Kestra Jfa4jtLOnIs
Dec. 2023 The problem behind Orchestration — build Everything as Code AND from the UI with Kestra dU3p6Jf5fMw
Jan. 2024 Getting Started Building Data Pipelines with Kestra using Docker Compose NixaNzaiWTM
Jan. 2024 Automate and Orchestrate Python Scripts Using Kestra VS Code Editor UbJG9Zkda2I
Feb. 2024 Welcome to the dark (mode) — new Kestra Website sAL0z96_nkg
Mar. 2024 How to Deploy Kestra to Google Cloud's GCP VM with ​Cloud ​S​Q​L and ​G​C​S Backend hyTYC54tx0I
Apr. 2024 Getting Started with Kestra in 15 minutes a2BZ7vOihjg
Apr. 2024 How to Deploy Kestra to AWS EC2 VM with RDS and S3 Backend Ni37SKnJTaU
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Triggers x5_VEkhQARU
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Inputs qrmEh-0BILg
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Flowable Tasks KrRMLNdEPAk
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Errors and Retries 6TH9HqLrRbE
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Fundamentals HR47SY2RkPQ
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Docker 147apT4xGfE
Apr. 2024 Kestra Tutorial: Outputs QgP_atMXk-c
Apr. 2024 How-to Guide: Using Python in Kestra Xv16DUla6hA
May. 2024 How-to Guide: Using JavaScript in Kestra nACf-2mnonk
May. 2024 How-to Guide: Making HTTP Requests in Kestra sI-BDbb1aPI
Jun. 2024 How-to Guide: Version Control in Kestra Part 4: SyncNamespaceFiles AbxaDtINcr8
Jun. 2024 Kestra Feature Showcase: New Editor o-d-GaXUiKQ
Jun. 2024 How-to Guide: Version Control in Kestra Part 1: Git PushFlows OPlNKQZFeho
Jun. 2024 Keature Feature Showcase: Realtime Triggers bLzk4dKc95g
Jun. 2024 Kestra Feature Showcase: Human in the loop ohEA2eYaQrc
Jun. 2024 How-to Guide: Version Control in Kestra Part 2: Git SyncFlows YbIuqYWLrpA
Jun. 2024 How-to Guide: Version Control in Kestra Part 3: PushNamespaceFiles -bEnwR5t7VI
Jun. 2024 Kestra Feature Showcase: Autocomplete VOF4L8QE6vg
Jun. 2024 Kestra Feature Showcase: Getting-Started Experience mYtJF8Brxu4

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.