Hex YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
May 2024 783 58 43471
June 2024 861 (+10%) 62 1824438
July 2024 908 (+5%) 64 4144208
August 2024 1010 (+11%) 72 7431534
September 2024 1020 (+1%) 72 7580481

Hex videos published by month

month published title ID
Apr. 2022 Hex — The collaborative analytics and data science platform WPJbDcxIUNg
Oct. 2022 Hex Demo HAwVAjAluKE
Feb. 2023 How Inventa Delivers Operational Analytics to Suppliers with Hex + dbt's Semantic Layer uZmfqILxY3s
May. 2023 Replacing Google Analytics with RudderStack, Hex, and Snowflake O8L9sUU9W8o
Aug. 2023 Automating Quarterly Reviews at Algolia with dbt Cloud, Redshift, and Hex _teKt9R_w9c
Aug. 2023 How to Hex- August 2023: Speed JLrhBQQW0cY
Sep. 2023 Building a Text to SQL Chatbot at Workrise with OpenAI, LangChain and Hex o2sntYcZ2-8
Sep. 2023 Hex Foundations: Navigating the UI N6F99QsKgg8
Sep. 2023 Hex Foundations: Course Overview Nbw8WqZ7woU
Sep. 2023 How to Hex- September 2023: Chained SQL Zrq_n-_ntrc
Oct. 2023 Hex foundations: Getting data into Hex bqZcj1sbt_E
Oct. 2023 Hex 3.0 Software Launch Event 0lMxx6u3xh8
Oct. 2023 Hex Foundations: Writing SQL code in Hex fdktgoOZNDw
Oct. 2023 Hex Foundations: Writing Python code WO2gP5U_cm0
Oct. 2023 Hex Product Demo ljEsfp9gYNE
Oct. 2023 Hex Foundations: Polyglot workflows j0jwnG798Oo
Oct. 2023 How to Hex- October 2023: Interactive Reports CNAw9GZPUzg
Nov. 2023 Hex Foundations: How projects get executed mkkJ2otpNJo
Nov. 2023 Hex Foundations: Adding context siEGiyxjXrs
Nov. 2023 How to Hex- November 2023: Advanced Collaboration poxN6Wdn7P8
Nov. 2023 Hex Foundations: Visualizing data in charts 75yGjkQbeMM
Dec. 2023 Hex Foundations: Input parameters nHC1jxTiwqA
Dec. 2023 Hex Foundations: Parameterization with jinja vV4Uf0uNb6Y
Jan. 2024 Hex Foundations: No code transformation cells nM6sGcLanDs
Jan. 2024 Hex Foundations: Map cells and geospatial data 9iYQyKfzLKs
Jan. 2024 Some more workspace shenanigans! Full video down below. #datascience #hextech #jupyternotebook r1UpcjBRU8Q
Jan. 2024 Introducing your new BFF! Full video down below. AkEQFg-Fxgo
Jan. 2024 Hex Foundations: Apps and publishing 0J9yZGgEVMg
Jan. 2024 2.3 billion GB is also equal to 294 billion 4k iPhone photos!!! Full video here☝🏾 #datascience #hex BAWZ5t3z2c8
Jan. 2024 Side bar safari #datatok #datascience #python #sql #hex #dataanalytics IXPp_pRRKPs
Feb. 2024 Intro to Hex #datascience #hex #jupyternotebook #python 9l4h79x8gvY
Feb. 2024 I kinda wanna hold one (respect to the elders tho 🫡) #mountvesuvius #vesuvius #machinelearning #hex QoqXRbL5Eg0
Feb. 2024 Anyone else got a particle accelerator I can borrow?? #mountvesuvius #dataanalytics #hex #ancient ij_TpQgKWN0
Feb. 2024 Reading ancient scrolls part 3!! OGAYzaeMZX4
Feb. 2024 Next challenge I’m using this repo to win 😈 #python #datascience #codebreakdown #github #ai #hex laMnwiqYCC8
Feb. 2024 Using qualify to filter window functions! #hex #datascience #sql #jupyternotebook #dataanalytics LOJpPMkIPdw
Feb. 2024 Reading the docs #sql #database #hex #python #datascience 0jqkyCyw1TU
Feb. 2024 #hex #datascience #dataanalytics #python #jupyternotebook #sql #ai #cod 0X-hsXQhMTk
Feb. 2024 Which loop is your favorite? #programming #python #javascript #java #ruby #stier #hex #dayinthelife HqkbMVijpHM
Feb. 2024 This is what they mean by “fighting fire with fire” #ai #hextech #python #llm Qlx3PP64GLY
Feb. 2024 AI vs AI #hex #datascience #python #dataanalytics #artificialintelligence #finetuning wNivfRO_b-w
Feb. 2024 Last part of how to make AI creative #hextech #datascience #dataanalytics #artificialintelligence 2xuHgYqELPA
Feb. 2024 Contrastive search is such a satisfying algorithm name #hex #datascience #artificialintelligence sx_mLREEVik
Feb. 2024 #hex #tech #python #datascience #artificialintelligence #sql #dataanalytics 5yL1d7n5vQg
Mar. 2024 Magic AI — 1 minute overview MTSz6mKSBMU
Mar. 2024 Magic AI Gvq7M0Cd9HQ
Apr. 2024 Hex Magic: EDA workflows ZH6xPORkeD4
Apr. 2024 Building performant apps 1HThsJdMRDI
May. 2024 Keyboard shortcuts to boost productivity cQEUBtY8PQo

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.