Fauna YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
September 2024 1250 82 17790

Fauna videos published by month

month published title ID
Jun. 2021 Announcing Fauna Labs BUvo7TSa1rc
Jun. 2021 Fauna Live! - Evolving the structure of your Fauna database zu5trGPJA24
Jul. 2021 Fauna Live! - Strategies for migrating your data 0C6LoWr1ZW8
Aug. 2021 Fauna Live! - Building on AWS with Fauna 9tQAuoZU1f0
Sep. 2021 Fauna Live! - My Stream is Average, with Cassidy Williams (Part one of three) SzOWIydc1CM
Sep. 2021 Fauna Live! - Using Next.js with Fauna and GraphQL cCD62m6yIXk
Sep. 2021 Fauna Live! - My stream is average (part two of three) GHZ4seZmqi0
Sep. 2021 Fauna Live! - My stream is average (part three of three) QVuD5BJ0g60
Oct. 2021 Fauna Live! (rerun) - Announcing Fauna Labs WmMLpzplKWI
Oct. 2021 Fauna Live! - Global-first apps with Cloudflare Workers 2vuhc4xdR0E
May. 2022 What is a document-relational database? TtQb0eiVofo
Jun. 2022 Authentication at the edge DBtEzRZMZBA
Jun. 2022 When *not* to use edge functions K5S-ICqUBsU
Jun. 2022 Edge architectures: Choosing a data store NrLmUJk89Uo
Jun. 2022 Serverless functions vs edge functions vzWiSF0y4Wo
Jun. 2022 When to use edge functions Zx4Dza6XpVI
Jun. 2022 Edge data stores dmrOt6KDS74
Jun. 2022 What are APIs at the edge? 0TBqaW6eAxQ
Jul. 2022 When not to use edge computing yL0ZtY3ZS0g
Jul. 2022 The best data store for edge applications _xtPwDb3g0I
Jul. 2022 What is edge computing? QVXbp5-YUPY
Jul. 2022 Realize the full potential of your edge architecture with Fauna Iv_GLCrVj_E
Aug. 2022 Fauna Case Study: Focus on building your application, not provisioning infrastructure L3aPcj-7f5U
Aug. 2022 Fauna Case Study: A globally distributed, document-relational database for a privacy focused product VxSEwpnTFSU
Sep. 2022 Reduce application complexity by migrating from Firestore to Fauna 32RnyEiJba8
Oct. 2022 Fauna case study: Shipping multiple apps quickly with a serverless, document-relational database BruaQyrdjjo
Oct. 2022 Building SaaS on AWS: Creating multi-region apps with Fauna loxOE7O84pw
Feb. 2023 Serving global customers with serverless and distributed technologies - Yacine Hmito of Fabriq VSJoBf07J_Q
Feb. 2023 Demo: Getting started with Fauna Logs P3BN2BWp7Nc
May. 2023 Environmentally sustainable serverless: leveraging Fauna and Fastly at Climatiq 1xYhQ8ZirRI
Jun. 2023 Building next-gen multi-tenant SaaS with Algolia and Fauna live-coding session oOKArKBI1NQ
Jul. 2023 Introduction to Fauna + Demo efDhEYY_b9k
Aug. 2023 Build a Globally Distributed REST API with Fauna and Cloudflare fse_UTAki6w
Aug. 2023 Connecting to Fauna with Node.js 8YJcG2fUPyE
Aug. 2023 Discover the Fauna Database in Five Minutes tJcd0avBdWY
Feb. 2024 Introducing Computed Fields and Check Constraints - Fauna Database Mt4b4TsYiCs
Feb. 2024 Read Operations on Collections and Indexes - Fauna JumpStart Series QpuCo9iWK_c
Feb. 2024 Build Robust Multi-Region, Serverless SaaS with Fauna and AWS Webinar 9TDOOg0fBHU
Mar. 2024 Delete operations with Fauna Query Language (FQL) PgdntVgbm6g
Mar. 2024 Update operations with Fauna Query Language (FQL) o3eTdLPJuIY
Mar. 2024 Write and Bulk Write Operations in Fauna 11uyFuoY7Og
Mar. 2024 New features in Fauna's Event Streaming 1UDfmuc9XyQ
Apr. 2024 Webinar Recording: How to Build Serverless, Event Driven Architectures at Scale bJ2POp9da8U
Apr. 2024 Why choose Fauna for your edge compute functions and apps: A beginner’s guide. o_pDVsqu5JI
Apr. 2024 Fauna's database in 130 seconds jqKy8hjGvV4
May. 2024 A Buyer’s Guide to Building Modern Applications with Fauna PegUlCdL3pM
May. 2024 Fauna Authentication: Creating a User Sign-In Function E44G-hS1b10
May. 2024 Introducing Fauna's New Event Streaming RyYy6tzsfKg
Jun. 2024 Security feature overview in Fauna dYFw8n0Xomk
Jun. 2024 Webinar Recording: Redefining the Principle of Least Privilege for Modern Apps 3HIrWJZ1Io4
Jun. 2024 Introducing Strict Schema Definition, Schema Enforcement, and Migration in Fauna database b7bqQ5sdWWI
Jul. 2024 Field definitions and schema enforcement 3FitDq1PazI
Jul. 2024 Why Fauna over MongoDB? #cloudcomputing #cloudinfrastructure #database #mongodb 3eBOnXhdGb4
Jul. 2024 How to do one-to-one and one-to-many relationships in Fauna WNp_YtZKQJc
Jul. 2024 Power of Stateless Authentication with Fauna #database #programming #cloudinfrastructure #api KTWgSJYZT3E
Jul. 2024 Power of a Database as an API #api #database #databasemanagement #apimanagement _1AwDGpMPiY
Jul. 2024 Demo: Fauna Zero-Downtime Migrations b5arRbKl9CE
Jul. 2024 Fauna Essentials - Databases, Collections, Documents, and Schema lMommEIclPk
Jul. 2024 Fauna Serverless Delivery #techtalk #tech #database #serverless #cloudcomputing #api #devops R0XjdESrzz4
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 16: Implementing Navigation Bar IGAyoERT3_U
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 11: Adding Authentication TyHwyqrSUpQ
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 15: Updating Messages Collection r0VPYmjOwpU
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 10: Refactor Components 7S2yhgVSg7Q
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 9: Server and Client Rendering JFSlPPwaZSg
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 12: Creating Sign-Up Flow 3BEBzJwMTa0
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 14: Adding Auth Guards LJSko5BsB6A
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 13: Creating Sign-In FmcLKe-SrVs
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 5: Building Dynamic Routes Yem1FOn7WyA
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 7: Creating Message Forms RS9XwdYmJGA
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 8: Stream Messages in Real-Time YhDirUxDavI
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 2: Configuring Your Fauna Database At_uLMUOQ_o
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 6: Building Data Relationships jr0ivE1Q9wo
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 3: Creating a Chat Collection S2OeygEH2TY
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 1: Setting up Next.js 14 LVgihhyZoYY
Jul. 2024 Build a Real-Time Chat App with Fauna Episode 4: Creating Real-Time Views sEWESJXw9G4
Jul. 2024 Doc-Rel Flexibility with Fauna #technology #database #flexibility #nosql #techtrends #innovation rR17ToxT2Zw
Jul. 2024 Webinar Recording: How to Progressively Enforce & Evolve Database Schema with Zero Downtime MxHb83-zhAY
Aug. 2024 Best Practices for Implementing Multi-tenancy in Fauna Database AP5v6BSZTM0
Aug. 2024 Power of Two-tier Architectures with Fauna #encryption #databasesecurity #techtips #cybersecurity vQh0mFw0EnI
Aug. 2024 Fauna as an API/fit for event driven architectures #databasedeveloper #api #apiintegration X4GpXaH89e8
Aug. 2024 🔐 Role-Based Access Control: Why It's Not Enough! #databasesecurity #rbac #techtips #database NYiSxChxwtc
Aug. 2024 🔒 Dynamic ABAC vs. RBAC: Which is better for securing a database? 💻 #databasesecurity #techtips MzZ9HJnl8lk

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.