Daytona YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2024 186 49 9091
July 2024 203 (+9%) 52 9894
August 2024 214 (+5%) 56 10928
September 2024 216 (+1%) 57 11094

Daytona videos published by month

month published title ID
Sep. 2023 Devcontainer Feature: Shell History Sync with Atuin K_iHa29rJeA
Sep. 2023 Managing Secrets with Doppler in Devcontainers ZR-yKXo5OKs
Sep. 2023 Building a Dev Container helper library pt.1 /#DaytonaDotfilesInsider MXCgeGdKclY
Sep. 2023 Building a Dev Container helper library pt.2 /#DaytonaDotfilesInsider KiQkXcvFKgQ
Oct. 2023 Something different: Lets work on dotfiles /#DaytonaDotfilesInsider mRqCGi7USGg
Oct. 2023 Exploring the World of Dev Containers /#DaytonaDotfilesInsider fZHhJtONCI4
Oct. 2023 Let's learn about Dev Container — Commands, Configurations, and Envs /#DaytonaDotfilesInsider sJzbay6qJJk
Oct. 2023 Getting Started with Dev Container ZqTuLsq79Fw
Nov. 2023 Guardrails and Paved Paths cC2PdJVGXe4
Nov. 2023 Getting started with dotfiles and Daytona RKsGdAZZXKY
Nov. 2023 Install Daytona on DigitalOcean in Minutes aT1Oeo3QvDM
Dec. 2023 Adding Daytona to your Windows Terminal aD_x_9J8KRc
Dec. 2023 The easiest way to get started with Standardize Development Environments ozpLHRA5PX4
Dec. 2023 Effortless Remote Development with Daytona's VS Code Extension _wo_q-kXW1Y
Dec. 2023 Effortless Remote Development with Daytona's JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA YseWIkEBTv4
Dec. 2023 Setup Your Own Remote Dev Environment on Civo with Daytona — Easy Step-by-Step Guide lsSX_D6nY7E
Dec. 2023 How to Set Up Identity Providers in Keycloak for Daytona pIe1V8jbjS8
Dec. 2023 Setup Your Own Remote Dev Environment on Hetzner with Daytona — Easy Step-by-Step Guide hExT7ABby7U
Dec. 2023 Setup Your Own Remote Dev Environment on OVH with Daytona— Easy Step-by-Step Guide IVbMybBFh4U
Dec. 2023 Setup Your Own Remote Dev Environment on Linode with Daytona— Easy Step-by-Step Guide d9gZOOWJ6Yw
Dec. 2023 Discover how to connect PyCharm to Daytona with JetBrains Gateway in this detailed walkthrough. 1lLUxuFyFwc
Dec. 2023 Discover the power of Daytona's CLI in our latest video! Get started on Mac, Linux, or Windows. NDV3uelnx0A
Dec. 2023 Learn how to use the Daytona Dashboard _U7H48bFnYw
Dec. 2023 Updating the Sample Index in Daytona 7UUFDkfFmu4
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains WebStorm with Remote Development Environments T6_YLgGpyAM
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains RubyMine with Remote Development Environments 8EdXKuQYG2g
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains CLion with Remote Development Environments _34M65gYM2E
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains GoLand with Remote Development Environments cVB1H9SKjsU
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains Intellij with Remote Development Environments 9Otwo0JrJZw
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains PhpStorm with Remote Development Environments l1ehIrJ-N8M
Jan. 2024 Using Daytona with the Jetbrains Gateway m5O0z17gb4M
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains Rider with Remote Development Environments Ao2IVPBE0FA
Jan. 2024 Jetbrains PyCharm with Remote Development Environments lohEBjdiWnQ
Jan. 2024 Long Lived vs Ephemeral Development Environments. Does it matter? 9B04Qquv9d4
Feb. 2024 The Magic of Remote Development JEgcTNd_lvc
Feb. 2024 An easy way to add dev container to your project S47OUA2-EDs
Feb. 2024 One-click Dev Environments with Bitbucket and Daytona MnoDlEjMZaA
Feb. 2024 Building a Codespaces like experience with Atlassian Bitbucket and Daytona 3AgadBXu7bI
Mar. 2024 Daytona Goes Open Source: Unveiling the Future of Dev Environments! 🚀 | Daytona Release Event X1y3dbgO2Bc
Mar. 2024 Launch Week: Daytona Open Source DfcHcGz5iIo
Mar. 2024 Lets Get Started with Daytona Open Source uL-TaEhvVwk
Mar. 2024 Lets Learn More: Daytona Open Source O0OvRElPlaI
Mar. 2024 Lets Learn More: Daytona Open Source eaRs532uCV4
Mar. 2024 Lets Learn More: Daytona Open Source mRpKyfuzpcA
Mar. 2024 Lets Learn More: Daytona Open Source pOJ7nAXlndY
Apr. 2024 The secrets of Slack's growth X1Gvmn7gtPQ
Jun. 2024 Daytona Community Hours #1 GDK1DUTFkPE
Jun. 2024 Daytona Office Hours #2 AZEEN1DCaFw

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.