29 Hacker News submissions by month with at least  points since the start of

29 submissions with 1 points or greater

HN Points HN Title (Links to original post) Submitted Date
489 Tracking the Fake GitHub Star Black Market 2023-03-18
155 How we deploy faster with warm Docker containers 2023-03-08
65 Postgres: A better message queue than Kafka? 2022-10-04
51 Counterintuitive web worker behavior 2022-10-17
24 Data pipelines are not workflows 2023-01-09
22 Converting an ETL Script to Software-Defined Assets 2022-12-26
13 Rebundling the Data Platform 2022-02-17
7 Build a poor man’s data lake from scratch with DuckDB 2022-10-26
4 Speeding up the dbt docs by 20x with React Server Components 2023-08-01
4 Poor Man’s Data Lake with MotherDuck 2023-06-22
4 Build a GitHub Support Bot with GPT3, LangChain, and Python 2023-01-15
4 Dagster Cloud GA Launch 2022-08-09
3 Adding types to a large Python codebase 2022-11-08
3 Dagster and SkyPilot: Orchestrating LLM training cost-effectively 2024-04-12
3 Dagster and the Decade of Data Engineering 2023-05-25
3 Python Packages: A Primer for Data People 2023-03-28
3 Dagster Software-Defined Assets, Declarative Data Management in Python 2022-03-02
2 Data Engineering Glossary 2023-07-17
2 Backfills in Data and Machine Learning: A Primer 2023-06-07
2 Dagster saved $40k on ELT spend with embedded-elt 2024-04-05
2 Scaling Dagster's DAG visualization to handle assets 2023-11-29
2 Dagster Day: Announcing Dagster 1.0 and Dagster Cloud 2022-08-09
1 Experience with Dagster.io? 2023-07-25
1 The Rise of Medium Code 2024-07-07
1 What Dagster Believes About Data Platforms – Dagster Blog 2024-03-01
1 Breaking Packages: finding the sharp edges of Python's package management system 2024-02-27
1 Deciphering arcane Kubernetes and ECS errors with Dagster 2023-05-18
1 Getting Stuff Done: A Guide to Productive Software Engineering 2022-12-01
1 Why Elementl and Dagster: The Decade of Data 2022-04-20