322 Hacker News submissions by month with at least  points since the start of

322 submissions with 50 points or greater

HN Points HN Title (Links to original post) Submitted Date
723 Cloudflare had a partial outage 2022-06-21
315 What is BGP? – BGP routing explained 2021-10-04
245 CloudFlare’s last Warrant Canary was published over a year ago 2023-07-31
213 Cloudflare Raises $150M and Adds to Board of Directors 2019-03-12
181 CloudFlare and Google Cloud Platform 2015-09-09
135 Cloudflare Web Analytics 2020-09-29
133 Cloudflare Introduces Universal DNSSEC: Secure DNS for Your Domain 2015-11-12
129 Cloudflare Registrar 2019-03-21
124 Cloudflare Time Services 2019-06-21
107 Cloudflare Hardware Keys (Yubico Partnership) 2022-09-29
88 The DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony 2015-11-11
81 Cloudflare and Meta Collaborate to Make Llama 2 Available Globally 2023-09-28
73 DNSSEC Outage on www.cloudflare.com – 2019-03-21 2019-04-12
67 Cloudflare Traffic Manager 2016-09-29
1895 Fast, privacy-first consumer DNS service 2018-04-01
1675 We Stood Up to a Patent Troll and Won 2019-11-04
1524 Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public 2024-10-03
1226 Understanding how Facebook disappeared from the internet 2021-10-04
1211 Warp – Mobile VPN 2019-04-01
1098 Terminating Service for 8Chan 2019-08-05
1074 Cloudflare defeats patent troll Sable at trial 2024-02-12
994 Blocking Kiwifarms 2022-09-03
863 Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline 2019-06-24
857 Why We Terminated Daily Stormer 2017-08-16
832 The Cuban CDN 2016-08-19
742 AWS's Egregious Egress 2021-07-23
703 Cloudflare outage on June 21, 2022 2022-06-21
698 Details of the Cloudflare outage on July 2, 2019 2019-07-12
696 Cloudflare TV 2020-06-07
689 Workerd: Open-source Cloudflare workers runtime 2022-09-27
667 Cloudflare R2 storage: Rapid and reliable object storage, minus the egress fees 2021-09-28
663 Cloud Computing Without Containers 2018-11-09
657 WARP is here 2019-09-25
643 Thanksgiving 2023 security incident 2024-02-01
621 Introducing Cloudflare’s IPFS Gateway 2018-09-17
620 Winning the Blackbird Battle 2019-02-14
614 A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time 2024-09-10
592 D1: Our SQL database 2022-05-11
570 Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup 2018-11-23
547 Building Fast Interpreters in Rust 2019-03-04
542 How to receive a million packets per second 2015-06-16
541 Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH 2020-12-08
527 Introducing Cloudflare Registrar 2018-09-27
522 Cloudflare outage on July 17, 2020 2020-07-17
505 Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore so how do they connect to the internet? 2022-11-25
491 Speeding up Linux disk encryption 2020-03-25
486 Post Mortem on Cloudflare Control Plane and Analytics Outage 2023-11-04
459 outage explanation 2018-06-01
456 Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet 2022-09-14
438 Moving from reCAPTCHA to hCaptcha 2020-04-08
414 for Families 2020-04-01
403 Cloudflare's abuse policies and approach 2022-08-31
389 Python Cloudflare Workers 2024-04-02
388 Hidden latency in the Linux network stack 2016-04-07
379 Zero Trust SIM 2022-09-26
366 Cloudflare One 2020-10-12
364 How we scaled Nginx 2018-07-31
352 Stupidly Simple DDoS Protocol (SSDP) Generates 100 Gbps DDoS 2017-06-29
350 Cloudflare Pages goes full stack 2021-11-17
348 Cloudflare outage caused by bad software deploy 2019-07-02
340 HTTP/3: from root to tip 2019-01-27
338 Cloudflare Pages is now Generally Available 2021-04-12
336 Say Cheese: a snapshot of the massive DDoS attacks coming from IoT cameras 2016-10-11
327 Cloudflare Workers: Run JavaScript Service Workers at the Edge 2017-09-29
324 Branch predictor: How many “if”s are too many? 2021-05-06
323 The Trouble with Tor 2016-03-30
318 How we use HashiCorp Nomad 2020-06-06
315 HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future 2019-09-26
305 Cloudflare Stream – Combines video encoding, global delivery, and player 2017-09-27
301 Languages Which Almost Became CSS 2017-08-03
299 Debugging a Linux network stack crash via a single register value 2021-11-17
289 Cloudflare Announces Firewall for AI 2024-03-05
287 Quantifying the Impact of “Cloudbleed” 2017-03-01
284 Why Cloudflare Chose AMD EPYC for Gen X Servers 2020-03-01
276 Cloudflare Workers now supports COBOL 2020-04-16
276 The History of the URL 2020-03-05
272 Go, don't collect my garbage 2017-11-13
271 The State of HTTP in 2022 2022-12-31
271 Analysis of Today's CenturyLink/Level(3) Outage 2020-08-31
267 HTTP/2 is here. Goodbye SPDY? Not quite yet 2015-12-03
266 Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone 2020-12-09
265 Cloudflare Pages: the best way to build JAMstack websites 2020-12-17
261 Workers AI: Serverless GPU-powered inference 2023-09-27
261 Blackbird's Patent Troll Suit Against Cloudflare Gets Patent Invalidated 2018-02-13
254 Why we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack 2016-07-11
252 NEON is the new black: fast JPEG optimization on ARM servers 2018-04-13
251 Introducing Workers KV 2018-09-28
251 Introducing DNS Resolver for Tor 2018-06-06
250 Cloudflare launches Workers Unbound, next evolution of its serverless platform 2020-07-27
249 Run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers 2018-03-13
248 Native Rust Support on Cloudflare Workers 2021-09-09
243 Encrypted Client Hello 2023-09-29
241 Abusing Linux's firewall: the hack that allowed us to build Spectrum 2018-04-12
240 Comparing HTTP/3 vs. HTTP/2 Performance 2020-04-14
238 Automatically closing FIN_WAIT_2 is a violation of the TCP specification 2016-08-12
230 Cloudflare Sippy: Incrementally Migrate Data from AWS S3 to Reduce Egress Fees 2023-10-15
230 Unintended consequences of blocking IP addresses 2022-12-29
229 Introducing CloudFlare Registrar: Designed for Security, Not the Masses 2016-02-25
228 Connect() – a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers 2023-05-29
227 When Bloom filters don't bloom 2020-03-02
226 lookup failures on October 4th, 2023 2023-10-04
222 Why is there a “V” in SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault? 2020-06-18
214 Major data center power failure (again): Cloudflare Code Orange tested 2024-04-08
213 Cloudflare Calls 2022-09-27
213 New Tools for Detecting HTTPS Interception 2019-03-18
211 Go crypto: bridging the performance gap 2015-05-07
209 Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless 2020-09-28
207 The curious case of slow downloads 2016-05-04
204 Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71M request-per-second DDoS attack 2023-02-14
203 Servers for an Accelerated Future 2020-02-24
202 Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user 2024-04-05
202 HTTP/2 zero-day vulnerability results in record-breaking DDoS attacks 2023-10-10
199 Our container platform is in production. It has GPUs. Here's an early look 2024-09-27
196 BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies 2018-04-24
195 How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and love long-lived connections 2022-02-02
194 Standing Up to a Dangerous New Breed of Patent Troll 2017-05-11
194 How to drop 10M packets per second 2018-07-07
193 Everybody gets WebSockets 2016-05-05
192 Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone 2023-10-07
192 Goodbye, section 2.8 and hello to Cloudflare’s new terms of service 2023-05-16
190 Announcing AMP Real URL 2019-04-17
190 Why TLS 1.3 isn't in browsers yet 2017-12-26
190 You can now run WebAssembly on Cloudflare Workers 2018-10-01
186 Open-Sourcing CloudFlare’s UI Framework 2016-06-09
185 Cloudflare blocks an almost 2 Tbps multi-vector DDoS attack 2021-11-13
184 Cloudflare Images Now Available to Everyone 2021-09-17
183 Better HTTP/2 Prioritization for a Faster Web 2019-05-14
182 When can two TCP sockets share a local address? 2023-03-20
181 BoringTun, a Userspace WireGuard Implementation in Rust 2019-03-27
180 Web3 – A Vision for a Decentralized Web 2021-10-01
180 Why it’s harder to forge a SHA-1 certificate than to find a SHA-1 collision 2015-12-22
180 How Cloudflare analyzes 1M DNS queries per second 2017-05-11
179 Bypassing the Linux kernel for high-performance packet filtering 2015-09-07
176 Building Cloudflare TV from Scratch 2020-07-07
170 New standards for a faster and more private Internet 2024-09-26
167 Running Zig with WASI on Cloudflare Workers 2022-08-01
165 Fuzzing a DNS parser written in Go 2015-08-06
164 Why does one Nginx worker take all the load? 2017-10-24
162 RFC8482 – Saying Goodbye to ANY 2019-03-15
162 However improbable: The story of a processor bug 2018-01-19
159 Cloudflare R2 IA storage tier 2024-04-03
159 Cloudflare’s Transparency Report for Second Half 2016 and a Disclosure for 2013 2017-01-11
158 CloudFlare Is Now a Google Cloud Platform Technology Partner 2015-04-13
158 Helping to Build Cloudflare, Part 2: The Worst Two Weeks 2019-02-02
156 Turnstile: privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA by Cloudflare 2022-09-28
156 Flan Scan: Lightweight Network Vulnerability Scanner 2019-11-22
155 Serverless Performance: Cloudflare Workers, Lambda and LambdaEdge 2018-07-02
154 An unexpected benefit of open-sourcing our code 2015-07-09
154 Cloudflare is now powering Microsoft Edge Secure Network 2023-09-28
154 Oxy is Cloudflare's Rust-based next generation proxy framework 2023-03-10
154 eBPF Can't Count? 2019-05-03
154 The next chapter for Cloudflare Workers: open-source 2022-05-09
152 Uganda's internet Shutdown 2021-01-15
152 Cloudflare automatically fixes Polyfill.io for free sites 2024-06-26
151 Fearless SSH: Short-lived certificates bring Zero Trust to infrastructure 2024-10-23
150 CloudFlare “Interview Questions” 2015-05-11
150 Cloudflare Uses HashiCorp Nomad (2020) 2021-10-15
149 Cloudflare to acquire Area 1 Security for $162M 2022-02-23
147 Cloudflare mitigated yet another Okta compromise 2023-10-20
147 D1: Improvements to performance and scalability 2023-05-19
146 Syria’s exam-related Internet shutdowns 2021-06-17
146 Setting Go variables from the outside 2015-07-01
145 Universal DNSSEC: Secure DNS for Every Domain 2015-11-10
145 Filtering millions of packets per second on commodity NICs 2015-10-09
144 Broken packets: IP fragmentation is flawed 2017-10-11
143 Cloudflare's Ethereum Gateway 2019-06-19
142 How to achieve low latency with 10Gbps Ethernet 2015-06-30
142 A Primer on Proxies 2022-03-19
141 The Road to QUIC 2018-07-27
136 You can now use WebGPU in Cloudflare Workers 2023-09-27
136 Cloudflare Reports Massive Slowdown in Network Level DDoS Attacks 2017-11-26
132 UtahFS: Encrypted File Storage 2020-06-09
130 The mechanics of a sophisticated phishing scam and how we stopped it 2022-08-10
129 Sudan woke up without Internet 2021-10-26
129 Cloudflare’s Zero Egress Fee Object Storage, R2, Is Now GA 2022-09-21
128 Cloudflare launches easy to set up consent manager that respects users 2023-04-23
128 Cloudflare Pub/Sub: Programmable MQTT Message Brokers 2022-05-12
127 Comparing Serverless Performance for CPU Bound Tasks 2018-07-10
127 Project Jengo Redux: Cloudflare’s Prior Art Search Bounty Returns 2021-04-26
126 Reimagining the Browser: Introducing Cloudflare Browser Isolation Beta 2020-10-15
125 SOCKMAP – TCP splicing of the future 2019-02-18
124 Go has a debugger and it's awesome 2015-06-18
124 How to build your own public key infrastructure 2015-06-24
123 Harnessing chaos in Cloudflare offices 2024-03-08
122 Announcing workers.dev 2019-02-19
122 An introduction to JavaScript-based DDoS 2015-04-30
121 Io_submit and Linux AIO – An epoll alternative 2019-01-04
121 What happened on the Internet during the Facebook outage 2021-10-08
121 Introducing the Cloudflare Onion Service 2018-09-20
120 Durable Objects now Generally Available 2021-11-15
120 Scaling Out PostgreSQL for CloudFlare Analytics Using CitusDB (YC S11) 2015-04-09
117 Improving compression with a preset DEFLATE dictionary 2015-03-30
117 Doubling the speed of jpegtran with SIMD 2015-10-08
116 98% of sites on Cloudflare now use IPv6 2016-11-21
116 Diving into Technical SEO Using Cloudflare Workers 2019-03-07
116 Cloudflare Access: Like BeyondCorp, but You Don’t Have to Be at Google to Use It 2018-01-17
115 Total eclipse of the Internet: traffic impacts in Mexico, the US, and Canada 2024-04-09
115 The weird and wonderful world of DNS LOC records (2014) 2024-07-29
115 Partial Cloudflare outage on October 25, 2022 2022-10-26
115 Eliminating cold starts with Cloudflare Workers 2020-07-31
115 Incident report on memory leak caused by Cloudflare parser bug 2017-02-23
114 Ending CAPTCHAs: Introducing Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood 2021-05-13
112 The rise of multivector DDoS attacks 2018-11-12
111 The effect of switching to TCMalloc on RocksDB memory use 2021-02-03
110 A new Cloudflare Web Application Firewall 2021-03-29
109 400Gbps: Winter of Whopping Weekend DDoS Attacks 2016-03-06
109 Xdpcap: XDP Packet Capture 2019-04-24
108 HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack 2023-10-10
108 Cloudflare's Handling of an RCE Vulnerability in Cdnjs 2021-07-24
107 SIDH in Go for quantum-resistant TLS 1.3 2017-09-01
107 Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse 2021-10-01
107 A tale of a DNS exploit: CVE-2015-7547 2016-02-29
104 Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support 2020-07-28
104 The real reason for large DDoS attacks? It's IP Spoofing, not memcached 2018-03-08
103 Fixing an old hack – why we are bumping the IPv6 MTU 2018-09-10
102 HPACK: the silent killer (feature) of HTTP/2 2016-11-28
101 ASICs at the Edge 2020-11-27
101 Tools for debugging, testing and using HTTP/2 2015-12-06
99 Writing Complex Macros in Rust: Reverse Polish Notation 2018-01-31
99 SHA-1 Deprecation: No Browser Left Behind 2015-12-23
99 Cloudflare Network Interconnect 2020-08-04
98 Cleaning up bad bots 2019-09-23
96 Cloudflare architecture and how BPF eats the world 2019-05-18
95 RPKI – The required cryptographic upgrade to BGP routing 2018-09-19
94 TLS 1.3 is going to save us all, and other why IoT is still insecure (2017) 2019-05-09
93 Argo and the Cloudflare Global Private Backbone 2019-05-13
93 Cloudflare incident on October 30, 2023 2023-11-01
92 Cloudflare Gen 12 Server: Bigger, Better, Cooler in a 2U1N Form Factor 2023-12-01
92 Logjam: the latest TLS vulnerability explained 2015-05-21
92 Sad DNS Explained 2020-11-15
89 Page Views on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2018-12-11
89 Unbounded memory usage by Linux TCP for receive buffers, and how we fixed it 2023-05-27
88 Cloudflare’s Pace of Innovation 2021-10-21
87 Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024 2024-07-05
87 About the March 8 and 9, 2021 Verkada camera hack 2021-03-10
87 What's inside net/http: Late binding in the Go standard library 2015-12-21
86 A Detailed Look at RFC 8446 (a.k.a. TLS 1.3) 2018-08-19
83 Block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click 2024-07-03
83 Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together 2023-05-18
83 A deep look at BIND9 CVE-2015-5477 2015-08-04
80 CloudFlare's New Dashboard 2015-04-28
80 Securing Memory at EPYC Scale 2020-02-28
79 Project Galileo: five years of protecting the vulnerable online 2019-06-12
79 Let's Build a Cloudflare Worker with WebAssembly and Haskell 2020-10-06
77 Crawler Hints supports Microsoft’s IndexNow in helping users find new content 2022-08-26
77 Workers AI Update: Stable Diffusion, Code Llama and Workers AI in 100 Cities 2023-11-23
77 ARM Takes Wing: Qualcomm ARM vs. Intel CPU Comparison 2017-11-08
76 Microsoft TLS 1.2 downgrade bug and how it was fixed 2016-02-11
76 Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers 2021-05-18
74 JavaScript Libraries Are Almost Never Updated Once Installed 2020-02-07
73 DNSSEC is Open for Beta 2015-10-21
72 Free, Privacy-First Analytics for a Better Web 2020-09-29
72 Cloudflare: Warp for Linux and Proxy Mode 2021-08-23
72 Cloud Computing Without Containers: Hello Isolates 2022-07-30
70 Cloudflare's VPN Warp Is Switching from WireGuard to Masque 2023-06-22
69 Introducing the p0f BPF compiler 2016-08-02
69 Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask 2021-11-25
68 SSH Access through Cloudflare 2018-11-17
68 A New Hope for Object Storage: R2 Enters Open Beta 2022-05-11
68 A Deep Dive into DNS Packet Sizes 2016-03-04
68 Bringing insights into TCP resets and timeouts to Cloudflare Radar 2024-09-05
67 The Climate and Cloudflare 2019-04-23
67 The Daily DDoS: Ten Days of Massive Attacks 2016-12-02
66 Cloudflare’s investigation of the January 2022 Okta compromise 2022-03-22
66 The Technical Challenges of Building Cloudflare Warp 2019-09-25
65 Empty DDoS Threats: Meet the Armada Collective 2016-04-26
65 Cloudflare Images 2021-04-20
65 Deprecating the __cfduid cookie 2020-12-09
65 Cloudflare's RPKI Toolkit 2019-02-25
63 It takes two to ChaCha (Poly) 2016-04-04
63 Welcome to Wildebeest: The Fediverse on Cloudflare 2023-02-08
63 Padding oracles and the decline of CBC-mode cipher suites 2016-02-13
63 UK election day 2024: traffic trends and attacks on political parties 2024-07-05
62 Argo from Cloudflare – featuring Smart Routing and Tiered Cache 2017-05-18
62 The History of Email (2016) 2017-09-23
61 Cloudflare Adaptive DDoS Protection 2022-09-19
61 Cloudflare Introduces Automatic SSL/TLS 2024-08-08
61 Cloudflare Workers Now Even More Unbound: 15 Minutes, 100 Scripts, and No Egress 2021-11-18
61 How and why the leap second affected Cloudflare DNS 2017-01-01
60 Introducing Cloudflare Orbit: A Private Network for IoT Devices 2017-04-27
60 How We Extended CloudFlare into Mainland China 2015-09-14
59 Parallel streaming of progressive images 2019-05-15
59 Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object 2024-09-26
59 Cloudflare Calls Open Beta 2024-04-04
59 How Cloudflare Images addressed the aCropalypse vulnerability 2023-07-11
58 Why Some Phishing Emails Are Mysteriously Disappearing 2017-12-12
58 Cloudflare Queues 2022-09-27
57 Automatically generating types for Cloudflare Workers 2021-11-16
57 An EPYC trip to Rome: AMD is Cloudflare's 10th-generation Edge server CPU 2020-02-27
56 Stop the Bots: Practical Lessons in Machine Learning 2019-03-13
56 How Cloudflare erroneously throttled a customer’s web traffic 2023-02-07
55 The Results of the Public DNS Resolver Privacy Examination 2020-04-01
54 Cloudflare Radar 2.0 2022-09-30
54 Yet Another Padding Oracle in OpenSSL CBC Ciphersuites 2016-05-04
53 New and improved Workers Docs 2020-08-19
53 A Very WebP New Year from Cloudflare 2016-12-21
52 Bandwidth Alliance: sharing the benefits of interconnected networks 2018-09-26
51 SYN packet handling in the wild 2018-01-18
50 Staying ahead of the AMD vulnerability known as “Zenbleed” 2023-07-26
50 Quicksilver: Configuration Distribution at Internet Scale 2020-03-30
50 Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Multi-Vendor Hardware 2021-10-04
50 Accelerating Node.js Applications with HTTP/2 Server Push 2016-08-16
664 Speed Test 2023-08-10
234 Google Search Results Plagued with spam “.it” domains 2022-07-23
226 Cloudflare Radar 2020-09-30
220 Deep inside the Linux kernel: a network latency spike 2015-11-19
99 Cloudflare.com was redirecting to Clickfunnels.com 2022-01-24
93 Cloudflare Workers 2019-06-02
91 Merkle Town: Explore the certificate transparency ecosystem 2024-01-01
84 Cloudflare Tunnel – Generate a live updating URL to any localhost project 2021-10-15
67 GitBook bypassing Cloudflare DNS to route traffic to their domain 2022-11-23
66 Internet traffic in Israel surged 170% right after the Hamas attack 2023-10-07
60 Cloudflare DNS problem 2015-07-06
60 Cloudflare R2 Pricing 2022-05-05
59 Privacy Pass 2019-04-10
55 Cloudflare Radar now shows worldwide Internet Quality 2023-06-23
54 DNS over SMS, send a text message to 1(833)672-1001 2019-05-13
54 Cloudflare blocking my IP (2023) 2024-06-24
145 Cloudflare.com's Robots.txt 2024-11-17
153 Europe's Internet resilience mitigates impact of submarine cable cuts 2024-11-20
64 Preventing conflicts in authoritative DNS config using formal verification 2025-01-07
69 TikTok ban: data reveals sharp traffic decline and rapid shift to alternatives 2025-01-19