Bit YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
May 2024 2500 40 283067
June 2024 2510 (+0%) 41 286195
July 2024 2520 (+0%) 44 289162
August 2024 2530 (+0%) 43 283226
September 2024 2540 (+0%) 44 283746

Bit videos published by month

month published title ID
Aug. 2017 First Bit Demo 2017 (LEGACY) vm_oOghNEYs
May. 2018 Historical Bit Demo 2018 (LEGACY) P4Mk_hqR8dU
Feb. 2019 256 Ramda components with Bit (LEGACY) pz0y2GTsSrU
Mar. 2019 Historical Bit demo 2019 (LEGACY) E5lgoz6-nfs
Jul. 2021 Case Study - Climate Clever | Bit tSQY0Sjd8xU
Jun. 2022 Integrating faster with components tUGB5UKIOrY
Jun. 2022 Better dependency management in a monorepo with Bit vpVIw5QTlps
Jun. 2022 Introducing ×´Component Compare×´: Easily review component changes and contributions Fk8iS5722_k
Jun. 2022 Component-driven microservices with NodeJS and Bit 5wxyDLXRho4
Jul. 2022 Advanced dependency management in Bit Z2kPUlLynzU
Jul. 2022 Building a design system that gets adoption YG4kpUXRlG4
Jul. 2022 How to share types between your frontend and backend N40sk_7sngQ
Jul. 2022 Composable theming with React and design tokens: Consistency and control across apps aGJU8aE71u4
Aug. 2022 Reusing and sharing React components across applications 9vS86xgG3ak
Aug. 2022 Sharing JavaScript utility functions across projects dOyFYACIugc
Aug. 2022 High-level overview: how we use Bit to distribute our own development djlSt59Z5M8
Aug. 2022 Building a cross-platform design system for React and React Native with Bit O_xhMW8KZPA
Sep. 2022 Building apps faster with composable components L9Poxv6O7M8
Nov. 2022 Composing Micro Frontends - Introduction B1N_kEJLLDg
Mar. 2023 Modernizing apps with components c4X1HkFfq1k
May. 2023 From Existing App to Micro Frontends zBuBlExo3xA
Jun. 2023 Composing React Native apps with shared components p9Xei8QPQVI
Jul. 2023 Composing Edge Functions at scale 2AXtTHnO8Kw
Aug. 2023 9- Creating a Remote Scope HW9ChnrL_7c
Aug. 2023 2- Create Your First Bit Component IJIR_bOQYBE
Aug. 2023 5- Bit Workflow Commands TKjBdd0MJeU
Aug. 2023 1- Create Your First Bit Workspace FO9iHsAvmeg
Aug. 2023 3- Exploring the Bit Workspace UI and Local Dev Server rY_FO1hlkVg
Aug. 2023 4- Understanding Environments in Bit qXU8W5yTWm8
Aug. 2023 7- Basic Dependency Management dGGEX0sbfRc
Aug. 2023 6- Understanding Component Isolation C5ZIBXPnbOc
Aug. 2023 8- Versioning Components sDmXnvbSFVg
Aug. 2023 Quick Bit Introduction & Demo LXHzPjxaWzE
Aug. 2023 Getting Started with Vue.js and Bit 0EabJq2Svbo
Dec. 2023 Next.js with Bit - Unleash the power of components (coding tutorial) E2rQNTyTaQM
Dec. 2023 10-minute upgrade guide to Bit v1.0 and latest features FrznK397cis
Dec. 2023 Upgrade your custom env to the new format in 15 minutes d8x6olxvrPw
Feb. 2024 Using local component changes in apps without tag and export - bit link --target -EDkJUbw3hg
Feb. 2024 Automating Bit Component updates with GitHub Dependabot PZ2MhC5N6uI
Feb. 2024 Integrate Bit to your Git Pull Requests and CI eOAjPnfGcbc

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.