Ambassador YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
July 2024 1350 74 18467
August 2024 1360 (+1%) 82 19897
September 2024 1360 83 20091

Ambassador videos published by month

month published title ID
Mar. 2021 Live with Ambassador Labs xyAHEMfViJ8
Sep. 2021 SUMMER OF KUBERNETES RUN WEEK 3: Observability KUA6gXwHeHY
Oct. 2021 Case Study: How PharmEasy Scaled its Services with Ambassador QMhIL-poB6E
Mar. 2022 Introduction to Kubernetes for Application Developers Tu5wLb_YaFY
Mar. 2022 Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes for Application Developers NXwCkpyOfyM
Oct. 2022 Local Kubernetes Development with Telepresence k0C2M8_8olg
Oct. 2022 Edge Stack Kubernetes-native API Gateway 6EA_0EoONw0
Nov. 2022 Building Microservice Systems Without Cooking Your Laptop 7bMWqlXF6C0
Mar. 2023 What is Telepresence? g4eZWoTU6xI
Apr. 2023 Setting up an effective cloud native dev loop with Telepresence lh7KlFoSels
May. 2023 Telepresence Header Propagation 2d4d228DtrM
Jul. 2023 Telepresence Case Study: Fintech Edition VX7zmJdhylY
Jul. 2023 Cultured Code & Telepresence Case Study huyuSaIHknA
Aug. 2023 Step-by-Step Telepresence Setup Guide 2023 V7Xov-UA_Ww
Aug. 2023 Edge Stack API Gateway WAF: Setup & Security Guide 2023 OZGrVwUMwgI
Sep. 2023 Telepresence Quick Start Guide zEta1uzSsxU
Sep. 2023 Telepresence Setup Tutorial GDeTUhBokuU
Sep. 2023 Setup Authentication on Edge Stack: Kubernetes-Native Security rNOHQp0pI50
Sep. 2023 Implementing Rate Limiting with Edge Stack Kubernetes-Native API Gateway TytA4i2YkAc
Oct. 2023 Quick Guide: Telepresence for Docker Compose Explained 5KFizsKrDN8
Oct. 2023 Telepresence Connect: The Bridge for Remote to Local Kubernetes Development lJcJdbyDjI0
Oct. 2023 How to Upgrade to Telepresence Developer Plan 7mTy37kn2Js
Oct. 2023 Telepresence Global Intercepts: Simplifying Local-to-Remote Kubernetes Development q4fifLmP3xs
Oct. 2023 How to upgrade from Emissary-Ingress to Edge Stack API Gateway pkd0gM-pZSk
Oct. 2023 Boost Your Development Workflow with the Telepresence Plugin for JetBrains Editors YsLzIIynjgE
Oct. 2023 Edge Stack: The Perfect Kubernetes API Gateway for Seamless K8s Ecosystem Integration _JptAhWjXGg
Nov. 2023 Living on the Edge S3 Ep2: Flynn from Buoyant & Cloud-Native Happenings JZEDzZ64kwo
Nov. 2023 Livin’ On the Edge S3 Ep3: Unlocking the Power of Istio and Coraza with Jose Carlos afwTTwBuSlg
Dec. 2023 Quick Overview: Edge Stack as a Kubernetes API Gateway Solution YZZGdaK7ZnI
Dec. 2023 Efficient DevOps: Mastering Telepresence in JetBrains IDEs rrkuP7XXW_M
Dec. 2023 S3 EP4: Platform Engineering: The Good, The Bad, & The Buzzy abmF97H7NPU
Jan. 2024 S3, Ep5: The Secrets of API Design and Development with API Intersection’s Jason Harmon TgLW4AMIFLQ
Jan. 2024 S3 Ep5: The Evolution of DevOps & AI: Why "You Build It, You Run It" is a Lie feat. Natan Yellin O3DRVTEgtyo
Jan. 2024 Demo: Meet Edge Stack API Gateway ayRUwuIz0ks
Jan. 2024 S3 Ep6: Creating Developer-Happy Spaces with Telepresence, Automation, & More. Feat: Xavier Portilla 3ceHk2HQ_-c
Feb. 2024 Tech Talk: Kubernetes Concepts for Deployment rMtlaxNn7G4
Feb. 2024 S3, Ep7: The Evolution of Cloud-Native, Platform Engineering, & Gateways kl2XmbBj5dc
Feb. 2024 S3 Ep9: Developer Productivity: The Inner Dev Loop & Quantitative Metrics feat. Guru Kamat yy5pUWGeORs
Mar. 2024 Introduction to Kubernetes for Application Developers | December 2021 71vTN7WrP-o
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Air Gapped Clusters in Telepresence SiwXUE22NME
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Authentication in Edge Stack HnGFsdskkHo
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: What is a Connect in Telepresence hVgzcx3cN6M
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Edge Stack API Gateway Set Up RHXTcUZBUkE
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Ambassador Cloud and Organizations Z67MM5P9ITk
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Personal and global Intercepts in Telepresence Timw7vLiQRg
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: How to Set up your WAF in Edge Stack -5436CoxyQY
Mar. 2024 Onboarding: Rate Limiting in Edge Stack FbxrfeO_p3E
Mar. 2024 Tech Talk 2: High Availability & Disaster Recovery in Kubernetes UwWIHZ0RWt0
Mar. 2024 S3 Ep 10: Foundations of Formidable API Federation feat. Daniel Kocot of CodeCentricAG 73VUE4J0qHc
Mar. 2024 JetBrains Plugin Tutorial for Telepresence: A Step-by-Step Guide APohVjEfVSg
Mar. 2024 Ambassador Onboarding: How to Use Telepresence 7lPI6rPsT-g
Apr. 2024 S3, Ep11: The State of the API Industry feat. Matthew Reinbold WOprH6eJ9Zs
Apr. 2024 S3 Ep 12: Kubecrash 2024: Engineering Insights with Danielle | Bonus Episode QbdGfBpVivo
Apr. 2024 Telepresence Voiceflow Case Study qS56UDTr3AI
Apr. 2024 Tech Talk: API Management 2024 Trends Panel vHTknfpE6Jg
May. 2024 Se Ep 14: Effortless Authentication Solutions Your Developers Will Love FlE2yRnKjOQ
May. 2024 Edge Stack API Gateway's Pivotal Role in the Daisy Health Platform 3UcsXjX82XE
May. 2024 The Battle of the Service Mesh vs Gateway, Building Reliability with Linkerd & Edge Stack Gci6sZOfxn0
May. 2024 S3 Ep 14: The Four P’s of Platform Engineering for Prosperity Insights feat. Erik Wilde g0do2lkiRqM
Jun. 2024 Tech Talk: The Future of Open Source with Nordic APIs' Bill Doerrfeld oi4NrfSKItg
Jun. 2024 S3 EP 15: Paving the Way for Women in APIS feat. Claire Barrett fDF5ZZ3OgUU
Jun. 2024 Community Corner: Telepresence & Your Local Environment 7u4F8TIlp-U
Jun. 2024 Community Corner: CRDs & Automation in Edge Stack Zdj0_v8egFs
Jun. 2024 Community Corner: CPU Recommendations for Edge Stack 4D_sFf9e7Oo
Jul. 2024 Onboarding: User and Organization Management in Blackbird O_ZoXeEnmrM
Jul. 2024 Onboarding: Upgrading in Blackbird qW1dg_Ri7m4
Jul. 2024 S3 Ep 16: K8s Monitoring & Observability with Grafana's Vasil Kaftandzhiev LdAfoH83H6s
Jul. 2024 Community Corner: Emissary-Ingress vs Edge Stack API Gateway P8YvoQ_P4-M
Jul. 2024 OpenAPI Spec Implementation in Blackbird vs Manual dMHKxt0_dfg
Jul. 2024 Blackbird Beta User Experience iE0bw3h4rPU
Jul. 2024 Community Corner: APIExt Explained 9CKUejmF7Zg
Jul. 2024 Tech Talk: CI/CD Pipeline Optimization with APIs & K8s qpO04Ak13Nw
Jul. 2024 Onboarding: Blackbird CLI Deep Dive cb8XJnT-Tdw
Jul. 2024 Onboarding: Blackbird UI Overview EZPy5ddrIMk

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.