Acceldata YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2024 297 89 29942
July 2024 298 (+0%) 90 30444
August 2024 303 (+2%) 92 31122
September 2024 303 92 31223

Acceldata videos published by month

month published title ID
Jan. 2019 #DataOps AccelData Optimising Data Lake Operations pEfasCj-G5Q
Oct. 2020 Why Acceldata? GHI-KIZlFvc
Jun. 2021 Acceldata Torch Overview kOU2quGwDic
Oct. 2021 Acceldata Series B Funding Announcement: Interview with Sorenson Ventures S0JY8QoeFGU
Oct. 2021 Acceldata Series B Funding: Interview with Lightspeed Ventures 5J6jDS7mxXk
Oct. 2021 Acceldata Series B Funding: Interview with Insight Partners UOnLupxfVCk
Oct. 2021 Interview with Krishnan Bhagavath, VP Engineering, Healthedge ze_TQmtO8Lk
Nov. 2021 Acceldata: Multi-dimensional data observability overview demo wuavnLr4Qqw
Dec. 2021 dataSnight joins Acceldata rwVupxJlONc
Dec. 2021 Building a Cloud Data Environment with Snowflake: Observations with Sameer Narkhede _TwAm0Vo4Wc
Apr. 2022 Acceldata reduces Robi Axiata Root Cause Analysis (RCA) time to one minute cyOtXbinEXQ
May. 2022 Compute Observability For Modern Platforms & Technologies jm-MfagAhyo
May. 2022 Resource Optimization QE6-IZxl3BQ
May. 2022 Optimization Recommendations A68nE7-_20k
May. 2022 Job Performance Simulator for Distributed Processing wDXOOW9rJF8
May. 2022 Improving Job Performance w/ Configuration Recommendations & Workload Analysis 8rChiufiudQ
May. 2022 Trending Analysis with Variance Scoring OtNnpp_8iMg
May. 2022 Auto-Remediation Zma3iEEdFqM
May. 2022 Root Cause Analysis and Event Correlation Z7WWQCGC2BY
May. 2022 Acceldata reduces Robi Axiata Root Cause Analysis (RCA) time to one minute XJpbaqbCfrY
Jun. 2022 Acceldata Solution: Data Observability for Snowflake quC_c-CTZzM
Jun. 2022 Acceldata session at Snowflake Summit: Align Cost to Value & Performance in Snowflake 0WGZNEaCjh8
Jun. 2022 Prevention vs Cure: Modern Data Management Calls for Data Observability AeOySDiYJvM
Jul. 2022 Data Observability for HDP & CDH Users 4k5CurC_beE
Jul. 2022 Data Observability: Seven Answers with Girish Bhat & Sanjeev Mohan zzQgC28_paQ
Aug. 2022 Acceldata Webinar: Data observability for Snowflake saAQSOHMT94
Aug. 2022 A conversation with Rohit Choudhary, CEO, Acceldata and Burzin Engineer, CRO, Phonepe vs1wOegXboU
Sep. 2022 Build and Operate Great Data Products Using Data Observability ySFj2wVSY1Y
Sep. 2022 Commentary: Common challenges enterprise organizations face during the data journey FYnOZ1KPS-A
Sep. 2022 Acceldata webinar: Data observability for Kafka nguPGoHrioA
Sep. 2022 Acceldata webinar: Data observability for Hadoop (CDH/HDP) 6Z8hL5u8W8c
Oct. 2022 Acceldata webinar: Product Overview for Data Observability Cloud rdICoa0M3BM
Nov. 2022 Webinar: Build Great Healthtech Data Products Using Data Observability 0tTAVa1hAAE
Jan. 2023 Build Better data Products With Data Reliability 8dj71Yrw9Lw
Jan. 2023 Webinar: Data Reliability is More Than Data Quality eUf9fGfr6K4
Feb. 2023 Webinar: Data Observability Trends for Service Providers XXwgF76rufw
Mar. 2023 What is Data Observability? | Acceldata | #data #observability #bigdata cAtKafnafjM
Mar. 2023 Webinar: It's 2023. Time to Modernize Your Data Platform cuo-m1PyNzA
Mar. 2023 Who is Acceldata? | Enterprise Data Observability | #data #observability #acceldata #bigdata qYWd3nKHC0M
Apr. 2023 Adding Databricks to ADOC Yff1as5kTj8
Apr. 2023 Adding AWS S3 to ADOC v0AIWcAazgI
Apr. 2023 Adding Snowflake Data Source to ADOC 9-wUl1Ztr7w
Apr. 2023 Adding Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen 2 CT6c8TM4j9I
Apr. 2023 Adding AWS Redshift to ADOC YcNh6Mcaut8
Apr. 2023 Adding AWS Athena to ADOC j8HVLMwi0Fk
Apr. 2023 SQL View 6T5SoIdddHk
Apr. 2023 Look Up Reference Rule qKlnt-_s2wQ
Apr. 2023 Creating Data Quality Policy with Pattern Match Rule x8XE57WtA-U
Apr. 2023 Creating a Data Quality Policy Using Tag Match Rule Definition Qrgi0YsiwlI
Apr. 2023 SQL template Vci2zFfCz1g
Apr. 2023 Creating a Data Quality Policy Using a Custom Rule Definition 6mZzkbkT3XM
Apr. 2023 Install Dataplane on AWS 5S34aKS59Ao
Apr. 2023 Creating a Data Quality Policy 2n8llomtjY0
Apr. 2023 Install Data Plane on GCP v9SAr81UTY4
Apr. 2023 Install Data Plane on Azure JJelqFKplC4
Apr. 2023 Quick Glance at Acceldata Data Observability Cloud _N6gf4e2674
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.2.0 Q_KW969ubKY
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.3.0 IS9kN8SXmbk
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.4.0 Q9_5q6uG5bo
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.3.1 GIMtFWxs0mY
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.5.0 H8mk_gKFM5o
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.4.1 PdMSN-RDehI
Apr. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.6.0 QOo4m51yCDU
Apr. 2023 Webinar: What's New in Data Observability? BBVSpy1JmAQ
Apr. 2023 Maximize Data Quality & Eliminate Data Outages with Acceldata's Data Reliability Solution yF6KnnWZTwc
Apr. 2023 Adding Schema Drift Policy VnOZ-wuurIo
Apr. 2023 Adding Data Drift Policy ov0VSrRGY5E
Apr. 2023 TMForum and T-Mobile: Building a data platform to support CSPs' analytics ambitions E8nQGXVdbMs
Apr. 2023 Getting Started with ADOC judSItcYwFo
May. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.7.0 TMdzD4Lxz3w
May. 2023 New Features of Pulse 3.2.0 uBnkHDwZmwA
May. 2023 Webinar: How to optimize costs across your entire data stack using spend intelligence M1qzDgWJ3VE
Jul. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.8.0 1sYfY6AutQI
Aug. 2023 Data Observability: Spend Intelligence & Cost Optimization V1CR6djfEYY
Aug. 2023 The Reason Why Data Processes Fail in Financial Services UkpwTdaywTs
Aug. 2023 Demo of the Acceldata Enterprise Data Observability Platform at the 2023 Snowflake Summit WUHubCDkVSA
Sep. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.9.0 P3tITY44Ogg
Sep. 2023 Webinar: What's New in Data Observability? izHM5E0aV3Y
Sep. 2023 Webinar: Using Lakehouse Monitoring and Data Observability to Deliver Enterprise Reliability YL4YVF0wVAU
Sep. 2023 Dan Power, Fmr Business Unit CDO, State Street Global Markets, on the power of data observability Hazlj16bFXU
Oct. 2023 Audit Logs QNBlqVxmdE0
Oct. 2023 New Features of Pulse 3.3.0 zR8Y1QdRKDw
Nov. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.10.X cMv3a7yoFKo
Nov. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.11.0 8tbtljz8Nrk
Dec. 2023 New Features of ADOC 2.12.0 and Highlights of 2023 56oSQyl3_90
Jan. 2024 New Features of ADOC 2.12.1 qOqtpbIzZ7Q
Jan. 2024 Create a Data Reconciliation Policy CEE5SDnpMNk
Feb. 2024 Acceldata Performance and Scalability Quiz -bnc8MRWPy4
Mar. 2024 Latest Features and Updates in ADOC jNt7LiInX4M

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.