
Session management for frontend apps with AuthKit

What's this blog post about?

AuthKit now supports session management for public clients like mobile and single-page apps. Session management can significantly impact user experience by keeping users logged in while maintaining security against attacks such as session hijacking, CSRF, and XSS. WorkOS uses refresh tokens to enable applications to get new access tokens without requiring the user to re-authenticate frequently. The HttpOnly session cookie is used to store the refresh token, ensuring it's inaccessible to client-side code. The WorkOS React SDK manages sessions effortlessly by handling refresh and access tokens automatically. To implement session management for a React app using AuthKit and the React SDK, configure your app's URL in the WorkOS dashboard, wrap your application with the AuthKitProvider component, use the useAuth hook in your components, and create custom React hooks for routes accessible only to logged-in users.


Date published
Sept. 27, 2024

Maria Paktiti

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.