
Dynamic Groups – FiftyOne Tips and Tricks – Sep 8, 2023

What's this blog post about?

This week's blog delves into dynamic grouped datasets in FiftyOne, an open source machine learning toolset that helps data science teams improve computer vision models by curating high-quality datasets, evaluating models, finding mistakes, visualizing embeddings, and getting to production faster. Dynamic grouping is a feature in FiftyOne that allows users to group samples in their dataset by a particular field or expression. The blog provides examples of how to use dynamic groups for organizing video frames and working with dynamically grouped views. It also discusses the benefits of using dynamic groups, such as bringing clarity to data relationships and speeding up workflows.


Date published
Sept. 8, 2023

Dan Gural

Word count


Hacker News points
None found.

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.