
Announcing FiftyOne 0.24 with 3D Meshes and Custom Workspaces

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FiftyOne 0.24 has been released, introducing significant updates that enhance its representational power and extensibility. The update includes support for full 3D scenes with meshes (GLTF, OBJ, PLY, STL, FBX), point clouds, and arbitrary 3D geometries composed of boxes, spheres, cylinders, and planes. Additionally, the release introduces Custom Workspaces, allowing users to create custom panel layouts in the FiftyOne App and persist them to their dataset for later use. These features aim to simplify and automate how users explore, visualize, and curate visual data, enabling higher quality datasets, faster iteration, and more flexible integration into workflows.


Date published
May 30, 2024

Brian Moore

Word count

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.