
Shipping safer and smarter: Integrating feature flags deeper in the Vercel workflow

What's this blog post about?

The text discusses the integration of feature flags in Vercel's workflow, aiming to improve collaboration and accelerate development cycles. Feature flags help teams release with confidence, safely roll out changes, and test efficiently. Vercel has introduced a platform-wide understanding of feature flags and an experimental Next.js design pattern. The integration includes the ability to override feature flags directly from the Vercel Toolbar, improving workflows for companies like Notion and Leonardo.ai. Furthermore, the integration with the DX Platform allows filtering and breaking down site's page views and custom analytics events by feature flags, helping teams gain a deeper understanding of how their flags will impact users. The text also introduces a new design pattern that implements server-side experimentation for Next.js in @vercel/flags/next package, aiming to eliminate layout shifts and jank typically caused by client-side experimentation.


Date published
May 23, 2024

Dominik Ferber, Andy Schneider

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.