
In-Database AI Agents: Teaching Claude to Use Tools With Pgai

What's this blog post about?

In-Database AI Agents are computer programs designed to interact with their environment by perceiving data, interpreting it through algorithms, and acting on it to achieve specific goals. With the advent of large language models (LLMs), AI agents can now combine LLMs with execution chains to perform specific actions. The Claude family of LLMs is equipped to use external tools and APIs, making it easier to develop custom AI agents. In this article, we show how to create AI agents within PostgreSQL's database using the pgai PostgreSQL extension to reduce latency and simplify architecture. AI agents serve many benefits in various industries such as finance, power industry, transportation, and healthcare. The combination of pgai with Claude offers enhanced efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.


Date published
Sept. 5, 2024

Haziqa Sajid

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.