
Postgres Realtime location sharing with MapLibre

What's this blog post about?

This tutorial teaches how to use Supabase Realtime, PostGIS, and Edge Functions to create a live location tracking system. The process involves creating an Edge Function that captures live location data from a Telegram Bot and inserts it into the database using RPC (remote procedure call). Supabase Realtime is then used to listen for changes in the database, while MapLibre GL JS in React is employed to draw live location data onto the map. The tutorial also highlights how Protomaps hosted on Supabase Storage can be utilized for the base map. Overall, this solution effectively leverages PostGIS and Supabase Realtime for geospatial applications.


Date published
July 4, 2024

Thor Schaeff

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.