
Alternative to Atlantis – Spacelift

What's this blog post about?

Atlantis is an old self-hosted tool for automation and collaboration in Terraform, using VCS as a user interface. Spacelift offers similar features but with a modern and sophisticated SaaS product that provides more intuitive, versatile, and robust workflows; granular access controls on account and project level; automated code review and threat detection; the ability to declare complex workflows between projects across multiple repositories; built-in private module registry with full CI system for modules; effortless setup and customization; drift detection; and various other features. Spacelift's approach to VCS integration, access control model, policy-as-code framework, handling interdependencies between projects, managing reusable Terraform modules, declarative management of its own resources using Terraform, and emphasis on user experience make it a more flexible alternative to Atlantis.


Date published
July 2, 2021

Marcin Wyszynski

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.