
Developer Spotlight: Paloma Oliveira

What's this blog post about?

Paloma Oliveira, a software engineer and lover of contemporary art, emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of code on communities. She transitioned into development from an artistic background, appreciating the creativity involved in coding. Currently holding the position of Growth Engineer, she focuses on creating good user experiences through products while advocating for open-source software and free tools. Paloma believes that efficiency is about breaking tasks down into manageable parts and implementing constant improvements to prevent failures. She uses various tools to improve focus, efficiency, and error prevention in her work. Paloma also emphasizes the importance of learning and growth within the workplace and actively participates in community-driven conferences and organizations to promote diversity and sustainability in the tech industry.

Sauce Labs

Date published
May 16, 2024


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.