
Three Database Performance Problems That In-memory Databases Resolve

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In-memory databases are crucial in ensuring optimal performance of online applications, especially as customer databases grow in volume and table size. These databases store data in DRAM rather than on traditional disk, dramatically enhancing performance by eliminating the time spent writing to or retrieving from disk. They enable real-time search and query operations, providing immediate results for analysis and decision-making. In-memory databases also address common database issues such as slow query performance and repetitive lookups on massive master data tables. By employing a real-time search engine and distributing the data ingest, index, and query loads across database partitions or shards, in-memory databases can provide powerful search auto-suggestion and flexible category-based (faceted) search capabilities for online customers and business users.


Date published
Oct. 4, 2022

Eric Silva

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.