
How to build AI-powered apps using Postgres and DronaHQ

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This article discusses how developers can build AI-powered apps using Postgres and DronaHQ, focusing on internal tools that often run on outdated systems or spreadsheets. Low-code technology helps minimize complexities in traditional coding, allowing for faster development of digital tools to store and manage data, build frontends, and leverage new-age APIs like OpenAI. The integration of AI into low-code platforms enables developers to quickly connect with AI models and build AI-powered applications smoothly. By using Neon, DronaHQ, and OpenAI APIs, developers can create a lead management app that allows for the sending of AI-generated personalized emails to every lead in under an hour.


Date published
Jan. 17, 2024

Aaikansh Agrawal

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.