
Inside MongoDB’s Early Access Programs

What's this blog post about?

Early Access Programs (EAPs) and Preview Features are strategies employed by tech companies to engage users in testing new features before general release. These initiatives allow select groups of users, often loyal customers or power users, to provide valuable feedback that shapes the final product. EAPs offer numerous benefits such as improving product quality, increasing customer engagement, fostering loyalty, and enabling data-driven decisions about feature prioritization. MongoDB's approach to EAPs includes private and public previews with selective participation, direct collaboration, structured feedback collection, iterative development, transparency, and rewards for participants. By participating in these programs, users can influence product development and shape the future of MongoDB.


Date published
July 29, 2024

Gabriela Preiss, Mehar Grewal

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.