
The Learning Experience: Celebrating a Year of MongoDB Developer Days

What's this blog post about?

MongoDB celebrated the first anniversary of its regional Developer Day event, a full-day experience designed to teach developers about the fundamentals and advanced capabilities of MongoDB. The program has been held in over 35 cities across 16 countries and seven languages. MongoDB's Developer Days focus on hands-on learning and collaboration between participants. The curriculum is designed to encourage developers to work together, with a goal of building a fun and engaging learning experience. The success of the program has been attributed to cross-functional collaboration within MongoDB and feedback from participants. As the company continues to expand its Developer Days program, it plans to take the experience online for those who cannot attend in person.


Date published
Aug. 29, 2024

Chuck Freedman

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.