
What Feature Flagging Management and a 4x Super Bowl Champion have in common

What's this blog post about?

SoftTechVC recently hosted a panel with professional football players discussing the importance of grit, determination, hustle, and mental toughness for athletes to excel. The conversation touched on rigorous training schedules, sacrifices made by players, and their motivation to provide better futures for themselves and their families. After the panel, an investor named Ronnie engaged in a discussion about software development trends with the author. It was revealed that these football players are also investors in SoftTechVC, using their earnings from professional sports to support entrepreneurial ventures like LaunchDarkly. The founder expressed gratitude for their trust and investment in the company's mission.


Date published
March 7, 2017

Edith Harbaugh

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.