
OpenAI's Bet on a Cognitive Architecture

What's this blog post about?

OpenAI recently held a developer day where they released new features such as the Assistants API and GPTs. Both represent a similar type of "cognitive architecture" that appeals to different end users but speaks to OpenAI's ambitions to drive applications towards this particular cognitive architecture. LangChain believes in a world where LLMs power agent-like systems, however, they believe the route to get there is one where companies have control over their cognitive architectures. They argue that having control over your cognitive architecture makes your beer taste better and helps you gain an advantage over your competition. OpenGPTs is an attempt by LangChain to recreate the same experience as the Assistants API and GPTs, making it open-source and configurable with four different model providers.


Date published
Nov. 28, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.