
LangChain x Supabase

What's this blog post about?

Supabase is hosting an AI Hackathon this week. LangChain and Supabase are both highly appreciated tools in the AI community. Supabase offers multiple types of databases, which can be useful for connecting models like GPT-3 with personal data. It also provides a way to share applications with the world. One application type is "chatting" with document data using a vectorstore, where Supabase can store embeddings of documents. Another application is hybrid search, which can improve retrieval performance. A starter template has been created for building full-stack AI applications with Supabase and LangChain, including an empty Supabase project, setup instructions, and a React + Next.js + Tailwind frontend. The template supports all modules of LangChain and features of Supabase.


Date published
April 8, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.