
How We Deployed our Multi-Agent Flow to LangGraph Cloud

What's this blog post about?

This guest blog post by Elisha Kramer discusses the deployment of GPT Researcher frontend using NextJS and LangGraph Cloud feature. The author explains how they leveraged the LangChain library and LangGraph to build complex multi-agent flows where AI agents coordinate with each other, bringing their unique perspectives and reviewing each other's work. They also introduced a new client built with NextJS for an optimal research experience. The post further explains what is LangGraph Cloud and how it can be deployed using the GPT Researcher project by Assaf Elovic. Finally, the author demonstrates how to query the newly deployed LangGraph using React code.


Date published
July 15, 2024


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.