
Fine-tuning ChatGPT: Surpassing GPT-4 Summarization Performance–A 63% Cost Reduction and 11x Speed Enhancement using Synthetic Data and LangSmith

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Fine-tuned ChatGPT outperforms GPT-4 in news article summarization using only synthetic data, as demonstrated by a human-level automated evaluation system. The study employed chain of density (CoD) prompting to generate synthetic data for fine-tuning purposes. While the performance of fine-tuned ChatGPT is slightly below that of GPT-4 with CoD prompting, it significantly surpasses zero-shot GPT-4 in terms of cost and latency, making it a viable option for real-world deployment. The use of synthetic data and automated evaluation systems like ScoreStringEvalChain and PairwiseStringEvalChain can enhance the capabilities of language models while maintaining performance at scale.


Date published
Oct. 10, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.