
Episode 8 Doubt | The Feelings Lab

What's this blog post about?

In this week's episode of The Feelings Lab, the hosts discuss the emotion of doubt and its various forms such as self-doubt, intellectual questioning, curiosity, imposter syndrome, etc. They explore how doubt can be both beneficial and detrimental, driving personal growth or crippling progress. Dr. Alan Cowen explains that doubt's purpose is to encourage us to seek new explanations, bordering confusion, interest, and contempt. He also highlights the significant role of doubt in major historical advancements like the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution. Danielle Krettek-Cobb questions if doubt is just the "dark side" of curiosity, while Dr. Dacher Keltner discusses how doubt complements awe, especially in mystical experiences that defy explanation. The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding this emotion to better navigate its impact on our lives and society.


Date published
Nov. 16, 2021


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.