
Introducing: “No-Code” Cells

What's this blog post about?

Hex has introduced new UI-driven cells - Pivot, Filter, and Writeback - to complement its existing code-based data science and analytics workflows. These "no-code" cells allow users to switch between code and UI for common data manipulation tasks. Although these cells are written in code by Hex, they can be converted into code for users who want more control or wish to learn new functions. The Pivot cell enables aggregation and pivoting of dataframes, while the Filter cell allows users to add individual filters or groups. The Writeback cell simplifies writing dataframes back to the database from logic. These features aim to make data work more accessible for a wider range of users without imposing artificial constraints on their learning and growth.


Date published
July 28, 2022

Barry McCardel

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.