
Hex + Google: Analytics and Data Science in the Cloud

What's this blog post about?

Hex has announced a partnership with Google Cloud, introducing new integrations that enable teams to explore data through various sources and leverage Google Cloud's managed services for large-scale data processing and analysis. The BigQuery integration is becoming more robust with the addition of support for DataFrames, allowing users to apply pandas-like syntax to their BigQuery data. Additionally, Hex will soon integrate with Spark on Google Cloud, offering serverless Spark's autoscaling capabilities and enabling ETL, data science, and machine learning workloads within Hex. Furthermore, Hex is expanding its support for databases with the Google Cloud Ready - Cloud SQL designation, allowing connections to Google Cloud-hosted SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases.


Date published
Aug. 29, 2023

Ariel Zahler Harnik

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.