
Working with schemaless data using GraphQL on Postgres

What's this blog post about?

This article discusses working with schemaless data using GraphQL on Postgres. It explains that schemaless data does not conform to a rigid schema and is usually stored as key-value pairs or JSON documents. The Hasura GraphQL Engine is used for instant GraphQL APIs on Postgres, allowing users to store and retrieve data from tables. The article also covers using Postgres views to filter on JSON data and the limitations of mutation operations on JSON data. It provides an example use case involving a third-party API that provides user information in JSON format and how to store this data in a table with a JSONB column type. Additionally, it demonstrates how to create a view to filter users based on their address pincode and how to insert, fetch, and update JSON data using GraphQL mutations and queries.


Date published
May 14, 2018


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.