
Speak at a conference or meetup about Hasura. We’ll help!

What's this blog post about?

Hasura encourages users to give talks about their platform at conferences and meetups. They offer assistance in various ways such as providing feedback on talk proposals, helping with preparation by sharing slides, speaker notes, and videos from previous talks. Additionally, they provide special swag for speakers and help publicize the event through social media, newsletters, and their website. For logistics support, Hasura can assist with travel arrangements if needed. Users can reach out to them via a Google form or email. They also offer other engagement opportunities like starting a Hasura User Group, giving workshops, sponsoring GraphQL meetups, and paid writing opportunities through their Technical Writer Program.


Date published
Feb. 7, 2020


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.