
Why Rapid Tender chose GraphQL and Hasura to build a real-time, collaborative tender-response app

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Rapid Tender, a company that streamlines tender estimation operations, has chosen to build a real-time, collaborative tender-response app using GraphQL and Hasura. The team initially evaluated the costs and benefits of adopting GraphQL by building a prototype admin app for collaborative tender responses. They were impressed with how empowered the frontend team was to query any data served by the GraphQL API. After researching various tools, they decided to go with Hasura due to its ready-to-use GraphQL CRUD API on Postgres, live-query features, scalable design, and quality of documentation. Rapid Tender is now preparing for user trials and plans to leverage Hasura's highly scalable live-queries in future projects.


Date published
June 25, 2019


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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.