
How Hasura Makes Learning Code Easier - Ali Spittel @HasuraCon'20

What's this blog post about?

Ali Spittel discussed how Hasura makes learning to code easier during her talk at HasuraCon'20. As a lead instructor at General Assembly, she has experience teaching coding and finds that Hasura simplifies the process for new developers by providing an accessible platform for creating endpoints. She also highlighted how Hasura enables full-stack development, allowing everyone to build applications without needing extensive knowledge of various technologies. Spittel shared her experiences using Hasura in her own teaching methods, emphasizing the importance of breaking down complex topics into manageable parts and celebrating students' wins. Additionally, she discussed gamifying learning by building games with Hasura and implementing the Gradual Release of Responsibility to encourage self-directed learning.


Date published
May 4, 2021


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.