
December 2022 Newsletter

What's this blog post about?

In December 2022, Hasura introduced the GraphQL Data Connector for Snowflake, enabling teams to build GraphQL and REST APIs on their Snowflake data within minutes. A product deep dive webinar is scheduled for January 11. Other updates include Elastic Connection Pooling on Hasura Cloud, Alloy DB integration, and Database Connection Latency Checks for Hasura Cloud. Upcoming events include a Tokyo Hasura User Group meetup on January 19 and a Hasura Community Call on January 26. New blog posts cover topics such as GraphQL actions using Netlify functions, Next.js 13 nested layouts, and instant GraphQL APIs for Snowflake Cloud Data Platform. The Hasura Discord community has also released new tooling features.


Date published
Dec. 21, 2022

Starr Stephenson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.