
Compile, don't resolve: Designing a feature-rich, high-performance, domain-driven GraphQL API

What's this blog post about?

This article discusses the benefits of a domain-driven approach to designing feature-rich, high-performance GraphQL APIs. It contrasts this method with the schema-first approach and demonstrates how compiling GraphQL queries to a domain model (database query or existing API) can result in superior APIs, better performance, and faster timelines. The article provides detailed examples of implementing a Top N relational query using both approaches and highlights the advantages of leveraging database capabilities for features like pagination, filtering, sorting, and aggregation. It also emphasizes the importance of optimizing queries for high performance by utilizing advanced PostgreSQL features such as lateral joins, window queries, union, and prepared statements. Overall, the domain-driven approach can significantly improve API quality, consistency, and productivity while reducing development time and potential bugs.


Date published
March 28, 2024

Praveen Durairaju

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.