
Add Authentication and Authorization to Next.js 8 Serverless Apps using JWT and GraphQL

What's this blog post about?

This tutorial guides developers on how to add authentication and authorization to Next.js 8 serverless apps using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and GraphQL. It covers deploying a Node.js Express JWT service for authenticating requests to Hasura GraphQL Engine, setting up authorization using JWT and Hasura GraphQL permissions, creating a sample Next.js app with login, signup, and articles listing page, and finally deploying the app on Now.sh using serverless target. The tech stack used includes Next.js 8 for building the serverless React app, Apollo Client for GraphQL querying, Node.js server for JWT authentication, and Hasura GraphQL Engine for GraphQL APIs with permissions.


Date published
April 4, 2019

Praveen Durairaju

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.